Part 1

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A/n: this is short because it's just the introduction, I will probably need a lot of help with this book, so suggestions/ requests are always appreciated.

This is an adopted trans reader fic because someone requested it, so y/n is a male using he/him pronouns. This may have slow updates or shorter chapters but hopefully people will like it.

Also, Wanda and Natasha are not aware y/n is transgender, at least in the beginning.

I know I need a better title for this but I have no idea what.

"Hey buddy, you haven't said anything since we left court, are you okay?" Wanda asked from the passenger side, "yeah I'm okay, just thinking." I said looking out the window, trying to avoid eye contact. "you're not regretting this are you, I know we were excited about adopting you, but we didn't mean to put pressure on you."

"No, it's not that I really am happy about it it's just-" I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence, so I just sighed and went back to staring out the window. "If you want to talk about anything you know we're here to listen." The Russian offered; I nodded slightly but otherwise stayed quiet. 

"Of course, no matter what it is we're here. Is it about your bio family, I know you must have feelings about it."

"No it's not that, I just don't want to say anything that could mess things up. But it's nothing about the adoption or my family it's just something personal I'm not ready to share yet, I guess."

"That's completely okay, as long as you know we are here for you. Oh I don't think the surprise is ready yet, do you want to get some food before we get home?" Wanda asked looking at the redhead sat beside her. "Yes that sounds good, Y/n why don't you pick something? It is your day after all."

"Can we go to my favourite place? I'm okay with anything but I kind of want to go there." Natasha nodded with a smile. "Then that's where we will go."

"So..." I asked with a playful smile, leaning between the front seats. "What's my surprise?" Nat rolled her eyes whilst Wanda chuckled. "Nice try y/n."

"Can you at least give me a hint?" I pleaded, "okay sure, it's something you have wanted since you moved in." Nat smiled, "hm... an ironman suit? A Spider-Man suit?"

"No it's not a suit, keep trying." I frowned trying to think of things it could possibly be. "A spider?"

"We already have one two many spiders in this family." Wanda laughed, Nat glared back at her. "Rude, but no it's not a spider."

"A dog?!" You asked excitedly but Nat shook her head. "Nope that's your birthday present but thanks for ruining the surprise." She said playfully.

"Okay I give up." I sat back against my seat. "I do have one question." I asked feeling my anxiety levels rise again. "Since its official now, do I have to call  you my moms? Or say that I'm adopted?"

"You can say or do whatever you're comfortable with kid. It only had to be official so we could have parental rights remember? And because you wanted to know you're our son and that you can't get taken away from us."

"Yeah, I guess I don't want anything to change like between us. I like being your son, and I like the idea of you being my moms and introducing each other like that but I just don't know if I'm ready to call you that yet."

"That is perfectly fine y/n. There's no pressure, we can be Nat and Wanda for as long as you need us to." I smiled appreciatively at her comment, he response settling my nerves slightly. They always made me feel supported and more comfortable. Maybe I should tell them about my secret. "Thank you guys."

"Of course y/n, we're here for you." Wanda smiled. "And we are here too." Nat chuckled pulling into the restaurant.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. feel free to offer some suggestions for the story.

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