Reality, or my Fantasy?

Start from the beginning

Edward simply smirked, while Harry lowered his gaze.

"What is he doing here?" I hissed, gesturing towards the unruly one of the twins. You could feel the tension in the air.

"He can be here if he likes. He's my brother you know, Zayn." Harry shot back at me. Edward settled into the couch a little more, leaning his head back.

Since when did Harry like Edward?

"Remind me why your so cold toward me, Zayn. I seemed to have forgot." He spoke, a smirk plastered on his face. I clenched my free fist, wanting to wipe that dirty smirk off his face. He knew exactly why I hated him.

It was one of his games he liked to play, getting under people's skin.

I mumbled a curse word under my breath and headed toward the kitchen, wanting to whip my coke at him. Edward had caused me and my ex Perrie to break up. He was jealous of our relationship, because he had mad feelings for her. After getting her drunk, he took advantage of me not being there and banged her.

And then there was Rebecca, who he made out with. We weren't official yet, but I really liked her.

He seemed to always ruin my relationships.

It hit me then, what his next move was. I stomped over to the sofa and pointed a finger at him, my blood boiling.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It." I spat, my brown eyes boring into his own. A small chuckle escaped his lips, while Harry looked at me with confusion.

"Oh don't worry. I won't have to do anything." He stated, amused. Louis then walked in, breaking the tension. But upon noticing Edward, he stiffened up a bit. Edwards eyes flicked to the blue eyed boy, his gaze never leaving him.

What was his deal?

I looked from Lou to Edward, and sighed. It was just another bump in the road. I slid my phone out of my pocket and began to type Allison's number again, hesitating to press call. I made my way towards my room, not wanting to be in the living room. The sound of someone walking behind me distracted me.

"What the hell was that?"

I spun around on my heel to see a pissed off Harry. His hair was all ruffled up, his eyes shooting daggers at me. I squinted my eyes right back at him. "What do you mean, 'what was that'?! Have you forgotten everything he's done?!" I hissed, placing a finger on his chest. Harry swiped my hand away, and shoved me back.

"The past is the past Zayn. Get over it." He retorted, his menacing eyes never leaving my own. I couldn't believe it. I looked him up and down, my blood boiling.

"He's changing you..." I said in disbelief, and stormed off, slamming my door. I immediately punched the wall, sending a wave of pain through out my whole arm. "Shit." I mumbled. I yanked it back, cradling my now red right hand into my other. The knuckles were swollen. I went over and crashed onto my bed, examining my hand.


"She doesn't want us in her life." I sighed, walking besides my mom. I kept my head low, focusing on the cracks in the cement. This week was absolute hell.

"I know it will take a while. But we'll get to her. To all of them." She solemnly spoke, locking the car. We had just arrived at one of my mothers friend's house. It was a fairly nice complex, on the outskirts of London.

I couldn't blame Allison or her family, though. I would be pretty upset as well, if my father had left my family and suddenly came back, asking for forgiveness.

But Kathy tried contacting John oh so many times, and had no leads. But being in the CIA gave her an advantage.

Yes, she was an official CIA agent, a federal spy. That was all I knew though, because she was forbidden to speak a word about her job.

But from the rumors I've heard, I guess they have a problem with Russia.

"Kathy!" I looked up to see my mother's friend, waving from the door way. I shoved my hands in my pockets, and followed her up the stairs. They gave eachother a hug before her eyes drifted to me.

"Miles! You've grown so much!" She suddenly hugged me, as I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her for a brief moment. She invited us inside, and I was hit with the sweet scent of pine. I slipped off my shoes and followed them into the kitchen.

"Mom! Have you seen my phone?" A melodic voice rang from somewhere. Foot steps could be heard as someone ran down the stairs. I was suddenly greeted by a blonde girl, who collided with me. Her brown eyes flicked to mine, as she blushed.

"Oh! I- er- didn't see you there..." She mumbled, looking down. I simply chucked. "No worries." She then slid past me, and towards her mom. I still stood where we had previously collided, admiring her. Even though she only wore dark leggings and a PINK sweat shirt, she was still stunning.

"It's right here." Her mother stated, grabbing the object off the counter. The mysterious girl grabbed her iPhone and turned around. Our eyes caught each other's for a brief moment.

"Oh Miles, this is my daughter, Rebecca."


**I'm in need of an editor. Message me for details.**

Thanks for all the feed back on my other story, My California King ❤

hmm, Miles and Rebecca ?

I wonder how Zayn will feel about that. (;

But... Hint hint.


I was hoping that would help you realize a tie between Kathy and X.

You might have to look back a few chapters of it doesn't ring a bell (;

I only got 1 comment and a few votes the last chapter?

Wow ghost readers, wow.

Prove to me that you're not a ghost reader by hitting that vote button ☺

Or commenting is awesome, too.

I hope you enjoyed this chapterrrrrr ❤


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