Chapter 1: rain

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You were listening to music. You stared out of the window, it was raining. Rain always calmed you down after you had a fight with you're mom. It was already the 5te time this week it was about you're family's stupid power. You're stupid family needed to always look perfect. You weren't perfect, it was always drama in the family. Now there was more drama because you needed to get you're superpowers like 3 months ago. And there still not there. But what they don't done know is, that i have them. I'm just not gonna tell them it's non of there business. And if i'm gonna tell them, i'm not gonna tell that i have 3 powers. Normally you get 1 but you got 3.
Why is it always you. This always happens with you. Why? You turned to you're plant. You where using you're power on it. It was growing from a super smal plant off one inch to a twenty inches long plant you heard someone screaming you're name in happiness. Shit it was you're mother. You turned around and stood up and walked her direction. She hade a big smile on her face she gave you a hug. For once in a while you felt happy again. Was half crying. She asked you: "How do you feel now?" "Happy." You said with a smile at you're face. She gave you a hug and then said:"Well it is time for you to sleep hunny." You try'd not to cry because it was a long time ago when she said that to you. It's like she only love's you when you have superpowers. You went to lay in bed and stared at the sealing quietly you felt you're tear go of you're face. You where crying. You closed you're eyes as you heard the raindrops hit the window. You wished you where a raindrop. You could live for ever without drama or a mother who only loves you when you have powers. The only thing that was bouncing in you're head where the three word it's not fair. The whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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