The Shuddering colony

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On the bridge of the Archangel, things were now strangely quiet. The ultimatum had been delivered to the enemy combatant, the Archangel had swung into a defensive position above the Strike Gundam... and the waiting game began. Sitting in the captain's seat was a woman who looked to be in her mid-20s with dark hair and a somewhat serious face, although her uniform seemed somewhat disheveled from having been trapped in an elevator when the ZAFT bombs went off and subsequent escape. On her head, what was obviously a captain's hat, although not her own and tilted at a rakish angle. A smile was actually quite visible on her fact at the moment as well, obviously having enjoyed delivering the ultimatum herself.

This was Ensign Natarle Badgiruel, now acting captain of the Archangel considering the devastation that had just occurred to the chain of command.

Above Natarle, in what had been lovingly nicknamed "the Bridge Bunny Nest," one would normally expect to see a pair of cute girls monitoring the various important functions of the ship, like combat information, main gun controls or even . Or maybe a cute girl and a handsome young man meant to draw in more viewers. Unfortunately, the ZAFT attack had dealt damage to this morale boosting area as well. There were two rather plain-looking men sitting in those chairs, looking over their screens and checking for any errors that might have happened from the Archangel's incredibly rushed offscreen startup.

The one sitting on the right side, controlling the ship's electronic countermeasures, was named Dalida Lolaha Chandra the II. Wearing some snazzy looking glasses, Dalida came from a ridiculously pretentious family that had decided to curse their son (and our author) with this name.

The leftmost operator, meanwhile, received information meant for the Combat Information Center and also had fire control over the large Beam Cannons mounted on the front of the Archangel (not to mention the Lohengrin Anti-Matter Cannon). A rather plain-looking fellow with ginger hair, Romero Pal was his name. Named for George Romero, he inherited his parent's love of zombie movies. However, he could be a bit zombie-like when it came down to his job as well.

In front of Natarle in the 'navigation pit' of the bridge sat Arnold Neumann, current pilot of the Archangel. Hair dyed blue, Neumann was actually quiet most of the time... unless he was behind the wheel of a vehicle. Currently, Arnold had a slightly demented grin on his face as he revved the Archangel's engines slightly. To his left, sat a poor, plainfaced bastard who seems to have no name in Seed Canon.

...and I'm being handed a note by my copy editor, telling me that he does actually have a name. So let me adjust that.

To his left, sat a poor, plainfaced bastard named Jackie Chan Tonomura. Such a normal-sounding name is actually uncommon in the Cosmic Era, thanks in part to a population boom of insane proportions and parents desperate to keep some form of individuality for their child intact. Named for 20th century action movie star Jackie Chan, Jackie Tonomura took more than a slight interest in martial arts as a kid. However, having the kind of demented imagination only a child could, Jackie also tried to make a real-world version of Hokuto Shin Ken into a real martial art rather than one that resided in an ultra-violent fantasy land. Results with the family cat were questionable, and he was withdrawn from the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts within minutes of the incident.

Turning to the nameless one of the four 'bridge bunnies,' Natarle called out from her seat of power, "Status report! What'd we miss while we were getting the Archangel up and running?"

"Well..." Jackie spoke up, ticking each point off on his fingers as he went, "Moregenroete's fucked up. ZAFT has possession of four of the GAT-X weapons. The last one? We just saved from being strafed by that CGUE there. On the plus side, the Strike is active and up. Even the Launcher pack's been equipped in the field successfully."

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