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Khushi planned for a basketball match to boost Arnab's sour mood which was there for the past few days. She expected it to cheer him up and bridge the gap between them.Though due to her clumsy nature and inexperience to play the match she made a joke out of herself and Sheetal taking that chance made fun of her followed by Arnab who contributed dismissing her from the ground not bothered seeing how Sheetal pushed her down deliberately.

Khushi with a broken heart went from there and sat in a far away bench thinking about her life for none bothered to care about her being totally immensed with their lives and a while ago was the proof for none bothered to check if she was injured for they were busy cheering for Sheetal and Arnab.

She was disappointed seeing even Payal wasn't bothered with her absence and that's when she realized she's the only one who always run after them not the other way round. What broke her more was the comment she heard from a passer-by commenting on how Arnab, Sheetal and Arav together looked like a perfect family .

She couldn't help but agreed looking at them ,after all she was not modern like Sheetal and neither can she behave like other high class women.  She thought of her life after remarriage and there was no single day she smiled fully for always problems arise in her marital life either due to the family or themselves.

Responsibilities were taking a toil on her be it physical or emotional, from last month with the addition of the guest nothing was fine in her life adding to that the family tantrums increased. She came from being a daughter-in -law to a slave who had to fulfill everyone whim. She looked at her family who were happy without her, she couldn't bear seeing their smiles and headed back to Shantivan.

Kushi POV

All I hear since the arrival of the mother-son duo is how similar he is to my husband.i don't get how insensitive they can be towards my turmoil.Everyday they are busy playing host to their lovely guest turning me into a servant without care that I happen to be the daughter -in-law of the family. Sheetal being a guest is treated better than i for even servants treatment is better than what am getting here.

My husband is busy recounting the fond memories of his collage with his ex-girlfriend developing his free time for her and his other family members totally forgetting about my existence. Oops ,how funny of me ?none even remember a person named Khushi exist, until they want something or any chore is to be done .

It's only two months after our marriage yet I feel like it's 10yrs. Like any other newly wed we didn't go for our honeymoon and looking at things theirs no plan for it. I don't even remember when was the last time we spend a day as couples or talk lovingly at each other because their's always someone to interfere. A week has passed after the DNA fiasco and now my husband doesn't even look my way and already my relationship which wasn't good turn more sour.

Knowing of my insecurities he ignores me and spend time with his girlfriend, going to work and even attend parties together just to show me how hurt he is . But what shattered me is him going to his ex-girlfriend son's school as a father yet his family support him  after all it will make Anjali happy. He gave a deaf ear and blind eye to his family atrocities towards me to show me the extend of hurt have given him.

Though too late, I realised he is not worth fighting for, for a man who watch silently when the woman he claims to love being mistreated with his family, will never raise a voice to support her openly. Seeing how messed up my life is I realized am the cause, for I allowed these people to take me for granted where is my self respect ?. Neither will they ever value me or will my effort ever be appreciated ,they always believed i'l forgive them if they show remorse.

End of POV

After returning home from their match Nk was the first person who noticed the absence of Khushi. He looked around and realised after being mocked on the ground ,he hasn't set his eyes on her. Looking around he saw others who haven't yet realised her absence and that's when he decided to ask maybe one of them knows of a whereabouts.

"Nannav where is Khushiji" asked Nk to Arnab and that's when he realised he hasn't seen her.

"what the!Nk, wasn't Khushi in your car"?exclaim Arnab looking around worried though trying to conceal it.

"No Arnabji Kushi didn't come with us I thought she was in your car, but let me call Amma maybe she went there" said Payal looked confused between the two

"Wait Payal, Hp!Hp!"Arnav voice boom all over the mansion while Hp came running hearing his name.

Hp:"ji Bhaiya

"is Khushi home? question Arnab looking at him.

"ji Bhaiya , Bhabhi is upstairs"answered Hp looking at him in disappointment while Arnab felt relieved returning his ASR face.

"Ok all of you go to your rooms and freshen up we will meet downstairs for our evening tea" told Nani trying to diffuse the tension lingering in the room.

Unknown to them, Khushi was standing on top of the stairs looking at them from the moment they arrived. She couldn't help but feel disappointed that Arnab didn't notice his absence if not for Nk , she run towards the pool side when Nani ordered them to head to there rooms ,that's when she realised she had made the right decision about her life.

From the moment she returned, she thought much about her life and looking at the current life she was living, she felt dissatisfied and made a decision though hard but she knew it was for the best.


1021 words

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