Midnight Snack - Oliver x Reader

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You opened an eye, letting out a big yawn. The alarm showed the time of exactly 3:00 am.

You noticed that the light was on in the room outside. You heard a muffled yell, followed by a loud crash!

Your heart skipped a beat.

Who would be up at this ungodly hour?

Of course, the first and only thing that comes to your mind is robbers.

Quickly, you jumped out of bed, sneaked over to the door and grabbed a broom, ready to fight off any robbers that had decided to steal from your house.

Three, two, one, go!

You jumped out into the doorway, waving the broom around in the air.

"You messed with the wrong person tonight, thieves!"

But instead of catching a robber red handed, you saw Oliver standing beside the opened fridge and cupboard with his hands up in the air.

You both stood there staring at each other for a bit, until Oliver broke the silence.

"You do realise that even if there were thieves they wouldn't take you seriously in your pajamas?"

He smirked.


Your gasped, blushing.

"Just... what happened here?"

"Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and was desperate for some salmon sashimi! Is there anything wrong with that?"

You giggled, and saw a broken plate on the floor. That must of been the source of the loud crash.

"I can explain - Gumi knocked my plate on the floor while I was getting the salmon out of the fridge."

You saw Gumi dart away from the scene and he meowed quietly from the other room.

Sighing and nodding at Oliver, you gripped the broom in your hands. At least it would come to good use.

You cleaned the mess up together and yawned. The boost of adrenaline had worn off, leaving you tired once more.

Oliver, noticing that you were about to fall asleep on the spot, scooped you up in his arms bridal style and carried you to your bed.

He gently placed you down, put the blanket over you and tucked a stand of hair out of your face.

How peaceful you looked, how so very angelic.

While he was doing this, you had already dozed off into a deep sleep.

The moonlight shone as Oliver's eyes sparkled.

"Sleep tight, Y/n."

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