Crazy Love.

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Cat's POV

I woke up and yawned. I miss Sam. I wish I never ran out so we could've had a nice sweet moment together at nighttime. Maybe I'll tell her how I feel now! I climbed off my bed and went to her bed. I jumped up with a smile. "SAAM" as I screamed her name I realized.. she's not here? "Sam?" I called out for her. I ran outside of our bedroom and looked for Sam. "SAAM?" I yelled out. "SAM?" ARE YOU THERE?" I tried yelling for her.

I felt my eyes getting teary. "Sam." I cried. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have ran. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have left. I'm such an idiot! I love Sam so much. I broke down crying like an idiot. I took out my phone and my hand was all shaky. I called Jade and waited for her to pick up. Please pick up.. please. Jade picked up and said "Cat! Did you shoot yo- CAT WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" Jade quickly yelled as she saw tears running down my eyes.

I told Jade about what had happend and she tried comforting me. "She'll come back.. she wouldn't leave you." Jade says. "SHE DID! SHE LEFT ME! IT'S MY FAULT! I GAVE HER MIXED FEELINGS AND SHE KISSED ME AND I-" my words starting to stutter. I love her. "I get it" Jade says. "But I really gotta go right now Cat.. okay?" Jade made sure. "Okay.." with that, I hanged up. I fell for her hard.

Sam's POV

I woke up in the nice bedroom and felt like shit. I no longer have Cat to smile and cuddle me and I would say no. I no longer have the sweet bubbly girl just because I fucked up. I'm gonna go back home after a couple days and I wouldn't be suprised if she kicked me out.

I got up and changed my clothes and saw 33 missed calls from Cat, 2 missed calls from Jade. Fuck. I started ringing Carly and she picked up. "Hi Sam! I'm with my uncle right now!' she said showing her uncle's face. "Hi Carls." I said quickly thinking of Cat as soon as I saw the happy brunette. I frowned a bit. "Are you okay Sam?" She asked. No. I feel like shit and I need my bestfriend. "Nope. Here come to the Magestic Hotel, room 453. I'll tell you everything." I said. "Okay. I'll get going now." She hanged up and I started crying again. Fuck it Sam, accept it you're inlove.

Soon after 20 minutes, Carly arrived. "Oh my god! Sam! It's been so long since I've seen you in real life." Carly said touching me to make sure I was real. I laughed. "Yeah, I know. I missed you Carls" I said hugging her. "I missed you too!" She said. "You look miserable. What happend?" She asked. I frowned. I told her about what had happend and cried.

"It's okay, Sam. It's not your fault.. " she said. "BUT IT IS. I RUINED US." I cried onto her arms. It was my fault. I ruined everything. I shouldn't even be here anymore. I calmed myself down and Carly felt bad for me.

"Wanna go for a swim? They have a HUGEE pool on floor 3." I implied. "YOU BET" said the excited brunette.

Cat's POV

I got ready for school. I had no one to tease me today. I'm such an idiot. Why do I like Sam?. She's mean and weird and and ugh whatever.

I got on my bike and started paddling to school. I'm always happy but today.. I just couldn't. I arrived at school and sat on the stairs and went on my laptop. "Heyy Cat! Are you okay? Why are you sad?" She asked. "Tori? How did you know?" I asked back. "You're wearing all black.. and you are wearing a badge that says.. I'm sad, ask me why.." Tori looked weirded out.

"It's nothing!" I say and ran away. I ran into the janitors closet to see Robbie. "Oh, Robbie. What are you doing here?" I asked. "What are you doing here and why are you sad?" Robbie asked. "Nothing. It's just someone I loved kissed me and I ran away and regret it so much." I said. "Well Valentine, I still have time for you even though you ran." Robbie implied and he crashed his lips to mine.

What is going on? I gasped but kissed him back. Why am I doing this? I'm horrible. Just like that I heard the door creak and.. Jade and Tori Vega walked in. "JEEZ CAT.' Jade said. "Whoa.." Tori said. Robbie held my hand. "We are official now I guess!" He said happily. Why did I do that? It's not like I love him, I just felt bad for him.

"Robbie, out you go" Jade threw him outside. "What the fuck was that?" Jade asked. "I dont know. I kissed him back but I just didn't wanna break his heart." I said panicking. "You sure broke Sam's heart." Jade said. As I hear those words I felt my heart shatter. I did. I'm cruel. "You love Robbie. That's why you couldn't kiss Sam back. Poor Sam. Find her and apologize. " Jade said walking out. "Tori.." I said. "I've gotta go to my girlfriend." Tori ran out. girlfriend? How is she okay with a girlfriend? Jade's right. I sobbed hard into a trashcan.

Sam's POV

Thats was great! I had a pool fight with Carly and I won duh. It's nice to have your bestfriend back. Carly went home though and it's been a day and this hotel is so expensive.. I'll just go home.

I checked out and drove home. My hands started to shake as I got nervous to walk in. Cat should be at school right now so I won't see her.

As I walked in, everything was a mess and I see Cat sleeping on the couch with a knife in her hand. What is she doing at home? And why is she sleeping with a knife? I see cuts on her wrists. Oh shit. I took the knife away and she woke up. Fuck. "S-sam?" She questioned. "SAM!" she jump hugged me. Oh god. Let me out.

"I missed you so so much I thought you left me I'm so sorry I shouldn't have ran and I loved the kiss so much so so much." Cat said everything fastly. "I accidentally kissed Robbie back because I didn't want to break his heart but I sure did break yours and I could never forgive myself I talked to Robbie about it and understood and I really love you I'm sorry I messed up." Cat said desperately wanting to be forgiven.

"I-" my words got cut off by Cat's lips. My stomach doing flips. I gasped and was shocked for 2-3 seconds but I kissed back after. Cat wrapped her arms around my neck while my hands went on her waist. We pulled away after 8 seconds. "I love you." Cat said. I smiled and kissed her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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