𝟎𝟎𝟕, 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬

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------CHAPTER SEVEN------

BARRY AND HOPE and Hope arrived back at STAR Labs shortly after a quick stop to get some food for the annoyed Hope who still didn't wanna be apart of this.

Barry looked over to her as she sucked the blood from the donation bags. "You didn't tell me I'd have to rob a blood bank." He deadpanned.

She turned to face him after finishing off the 3rd bag yet. "I'm a vampire, I was hungry. What did you expect me to eat? Yogurt?!" She exclaimed causing him to smile slightly as they walked into the cortex, Hope grabbing her fourth bag from the box of blood bags Barry was carrying inside.

She pulled it out and began to drink from it just as Caitlyn and Cisco appeared from the Med lab in front of them. Both slowing down at the sight of her.

"Yes I'm drinking stolen blood, get over it. I have also agreed to help only to get home." She turned to Cisco began to smile. "Make a big deal of it and I won't Ciscy." She tells him as she parts him on the back walking to sit by the tech desk.

Harry soon appeared out of nowhere, aka the hallway begging to complain very loudly I might add about not being and to find someone by the name of Jesse, yet being able to find a gorilla.

He stopped when he noticed the older teen sucking on a blood back staring at him.

He pointed at her and faced the others. "Who is she, and why is she drinking blood?" Harry asked the group receiving some shoulder shrugs and odd looks. Them trying to figure out how to explain before they both looked at Barry to do the talking.

"She's from another earth. She popped up out of nowhere here and tried to kill us all..?" He explained earning a "seriously" look from Hope.

"Yet she's sitting in the cortex?" He questioned.

"Yeah she was just confused when she got here, she agreed to help us fight zoom if and until we get her home." He explained.

"How are we supposed to do that Allen?! They are closed. How did she even get through? Not to mention how do know we can trust her?! She could work for zoom for all we kno-"

He stopped as Hope camp sped right in front of him. "Listen Einstein, I don't work for people, people work for me got it?" She explained before sitting back. "And I'm drinking blood because I'm a vampire. And a witch along with something else that I'll keep secret till I see fit. Yes supernaturals exist on my earth." She finished leaving Harry amazed. Though of course he barley showed it

Barry broke the silence, "So any ideas on how to stop this..?" "DreamWalker." Cisco interrupted as Hope scoffed in return. Hope finished off the blood bag, "well I have an idea which says a lot. I mean aren't you all supposed to be super genius's or something?" She questioned.

She got a mix of offended faces and shoulder shrugs from the group. Hope rolled her eyes, "well when he goes to psychically send an attack to us speedy will speed a mirror in front of him and it'll backfire and hit him, theoretically of course but it's better then your all's plan. Which is non-existent I remind you." She smiled at them.

"Well you heard her I guess we could try it, what do we have to loose." Hope spoke up again. "My non-humanity, our dignity, our life's, our-" Barry put his hand up, "yeah yeah okay I get it. Still we have to try." Hope tossed the bag into the box, "okay then what are we waiting for?"


HOPE AND BARRY stood outside the bank after getting a meta human hit, they headed over. "Okay so the plan is simple one of us distracts him and makes him blast while the other puts a mirror in his face." Barry explained. Hope rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm aware. I came up with the plan remember?" She scoffs heading inside, Barry following.

The two sped into the bank, Hope facing the Meta, DreamWalker, while Barry waits in hiding with a mirror. DreamWalker turns to face the Tribrid, "Well, Well, Well where's your fast super-friend?" He mocks. "First of all, not friends more so I'm helping him for something in return. Don't get it mixed up. Second off, sorry sparky but it's time for you to go to jail." She smiles pulling out meta cuffs.

"Oh no, no, no, it's actually time for you to see your nightmares." He taunts getting in a stance beginning to blast her with her darkest memories and fears. Just then Barry speeds in front of Hope holding out a mirror as the Meta blasts it, causing the psychic vibrations to hit Dreamwalker instead.

He fell to the floor shaking and screaming as Hope smiled a bit too much. "Ha! Look at him!" She laughs at his squirming. She looks at Barry who's giving her an odd look. "I'm enjoying this too much aren't I?" She asks him, he nods slowly before letting out a laugh, to which she also does before the two head back to Star Labs.


A FEW HOURS after Hope and Barry arrived back at Star Labs, Hope was sitting at Cisco's desk in the workshop. She found this place quiet and liked to come here to think. Though she recently found it harder to do so with Harry behind her throwing things and yelling in frustration.

Hope finally snaps, "FOR GODS SAKE SHUT THE HELL UP!!" She yells causing the scientist to stop in his tracks and stare at her. She rubs her forehead, "What the hell is your problem? I mean I thought I had anger issues but this?!" He sighs before sitting down.

"Nothing just trying to find my daughter." "Well I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure throwing expensive rare tech devices into the floor is not helping you at all." She jokes looking over to him seeing his face is still the same. She lets out a sigh, "well audios Harrison." She says jumping off the desk and making her way out of the workshop only to be stopped by Cisco Ramon himself as he almost runs into her, well he does run into her.

"Ah sorry Hope." He apologizes. "Ramon, seriously?" She asks. She lets out a sigh, "why are you in such a rush?" She asks him eyeing him suspiciously. "Well, looking for you actually." He tells her motioning for her to follow him, she does slowly and skeptically.

He takes her into another workshop room that she had already previously seen during her search for black clothes that she mentioned earlier. "Mhm why are we in here exactly?" "We are in here my dear Hopey because I got you a gift. The 'I hope you like it and if not please don't drink my blood till I die kind of gift.' He tells her. "Seriously Ciscy? Besides I could never. Your the only one I can tolerate really, so where would I be without you?" She asks smearing a smile from him.

He walks over to a blanket draped mannequin and hold his hands out. "May I present you to you, your new suit!" He pulled the drape off revealing the black leather suit. She steps closer examining it closely with a slight smile.

"I just thought if your gonna be here for a while till we figure out how to get you back... and your gonna be helping out Barry you'll need a cover of sorts. Your honestly luckily as hell your face hasn't been leaked all over, if you weren't so fast and hadn't been covered in blood it would've been." He tells her. She smiles before facing him, "I love it. I'll look hot as hell in it." She says.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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