𝟎𝟎𝟑, 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐰 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫

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------CHAPTER THREE------

"The hell-" Hope jumped out of Barry's Arms, "I could've came here myself thank you" she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry.." he responded, "Anyway just before you came a meta- sent by zoom- had robbed a bank and got away." He told her.

"..And?" She asked. "We've had him here before, he's from another earth like you so he looks the same as his person here but he different-" "I get it he's a dopple ganger." You interrupted.

He nodded relived he didn't have to explain it all again, "okay he's inside there, his nickname here was rainbow raider. He has the ability to mess with you emotions and make you mad." Barry explained.

You scoffed, "he may have trouble doing that with me." "Don't be to sure" he told you before you both sped inside the bank.

"Roy!" Barry or as the people knew him, The Flash, called out.

Both Barry and Hope both saw the state of the bank, citizens were fighting each other hitting and throwing things around, jumping over the counters, an off duty cop even pulled out a gun and aimed it straight for Hope.

Hope could've stopped it but honestly it wouldn't even hurt and she'd get the bullet out easily and it's heal.

*Boom* the bullet pierced your heart. Barry turned around racing to you placing his hands on your shoulders. "Hope!" He whisper shouted at you. "Relax speedy, I'll be fine." You walked off.

You chanted holding your hand out like you did with Caitlin earlier causing everyone of the citizens to fall unconscious before you both. She looked back to Barry with a 'told ya' look and scoffed heading towards the vault with speed, along with Barry.

Once the two arrived in the vault Roy was nowhere to be found, then it hit her, behind the door. Hope peaked behind only to be met with red eyes.

Soon her body filled with rage, rage she didn't even know she could feel with her humanity off. But, unlike what usually happens with so many people around to go after each other and leave him be, she only saw him and immediately went after the so called rainbow raider.

Her vampire veins showed as she grabbed him by the throat and begun to strange him tightly. Soon her wolf claws came out as she slashed through his chest and her fangs grew apparent.
She sunk her teeth into his neck and began to drink, straining all of his blood ripping through his throat as if she was a ripper of sorts. Blood flowed from his chest onto her already bloody body, as blood sprayed from his ripped out neck onto her face and hair.

This has all occurred so quickly, then barry realized what was happening as he turned around and witnessed the attack. He sped over ripping her off him and sped the both of them to star labs.

"Barry what the hell happened?!" Caitlin yelled as she saw the meta barley alive on the table.

"She was affected!!" He yelled pointing to Hope.

Most of them who knew what she was capable, witch was all of them, even though she was capable of much worse than that, distanced themselves immediately while barry injected the same stuff that nocked her out the first time into her neck just as she sped to Cisco stabbing a piece of tech through his stomach and twisting it.

"CISCO!!" Someone yelled running over, it was Barry of course.

"Shit man I'm so sorry!" He apologized speeding Cisco to the medbay and rushing to another room to grab something.

It was a huge tech looking thing that made Hope see different colors as she woke up snapping her out of it.

"What the hell happened?!" She shouted getting off the floor as she watched relief fall over Barry's face.

"Hello?!" She yelled waiting for an answer.

"I- he uh, he affected you" barry informed her watching as her face fell. If she was affected god only knows what happened.

"Shit what did I do now?" Hope asked, "um" barry pointed to the med-bay.

She looked over and covered her mouth at the sight, shit she did a number on the two. She walked inside the medical room and not into her wrist confusing them all.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked.

"Saving them unless you'd like me to let them die?" She asked the group of hero's who all nodded no.

"That's what I thought" Hope sassed healing the Meta first who was more severely injured, then the tech nerd she knew as Cisco.

They group watched as both the men's body's healed, closing wounds and stopping bleeding. "How the hell d-did that work?!" Caitlin yelled.

"My blood can cure basically anything, besides cancer and stuff" "Hope told them watching as their faces overcame with fascination.

She rolled her eyes not enjoying the gawking stares, "hey fun fact, if I healed the meta he's gonna wake up any minute and attack you all." She jokes watching as their faces fell and Barry sped away, probably to the place they took Hope she assumed.

Hope jumped up, "we'll if you need me I'll be wandering around, and if you do need me? Don't." She threatened walking away.

"Wait!" She heard a voice call out, it was Cisco.

"What?" She asked.

"T-thanks for saving me" he thanked.

"Too be fair I am the one who stabbed you to begin with."

"Still, you could've kept the blood thing a secret, so thanks."

It took her by surprise, "you know your thanking a monster right?" She asked.

He shook his head, "you a 17 year old girl, yes, a monster, no"

"Trust me if you knew all I've done, you'd be the one calling me a monster." She told him.

She scoffed, "and what I did back there, could've been a lot fucking worse trust me"

"Still, thanks." He continued.

"Uh huh, run along I have snooping to do." She complained beginning to walk off.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asked.

"I nearly just killed you and you wanna tag along?" She asked suspecting him.

"Yeah, besides it would be nice to know more about you besides the fact you're 17, powerful, and tend to be covered in blood all the time" he joked.

She looked him up and down, "fine just try and keep up" she told him walking faster.

"You got it" he replied following behind.


1117 words
P.s- I wrote this at like 7:30 am and pulled an all nighter so I'll edit it later sorry for mis spelling and such.

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