𝟎𝟎𝟔, 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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------CHAPTER SIX------

IN THE CORTEX Barry sits down in the medbay, forced to by Caitlyn of course. "Caitlyn I'm fine." "I'm still gonna check out your vitals." Barry sighed knowing nothing would change her mind, so he just let her. Then Iris stepped forward, "Barry what did you see out there?" She asked him holding his hand.

"Everything, my worst memories and such, you know the drill." He told her watching as her gaze softened. "I'm sorry barr." She apologized. "It's okay Iris, it's not your fault." He turned to see Cisco leaning in the doorway lost in thought. "Cisco? Are you okay? Is Hope doing okay?" Barry asked the tech nerd receiving a sigh.

"She's not gonna help, I can't really explain all I'm gonna say is... there's more to her than she's saying, nothing evil but.." Caitlin chimed in, "after." She paused. "After Jay... it's just... I can't trust her yet." Cisco stepped closer comforting her. "I know Caitlin and it's okay." He turned to Barry, "I trust her though." Is all he said turning to walk away.

He stopped suddenly confusing the others who turned to see what he was looking at. Hope had finished cleaning off the blood covering her, and had also changed her clothes. She had on a long sleeve dark green shirt and loose baggy ripped jeans with a black buckle, along with a not happy face.

"You seem upset." Cisco concluded. She turned her gaze to him, "I searched, literally, this entire place and there is not a single black clothing item. So yeah I'm upset." She finished before walking into the med-bay.

"Yeah that shirts mine." Caitlyn spoke up. "Clearly." Is all the tribrid said in response before getting closer to Barry. "You good speedy?" She asked putting up her tough exterior once again. "Doing okay, you?" He asked. "Never better." Is all she said before sitting down next to him.

"How the hell are we gonna stop this thing exactly?" Barry asked. "Well you don't have her so no clue." Caitlin added on causing the tribrid to glare at her before she jumped up. Barry sped in front of her stopping her.

Barry gave her a look basically saying 'Please don't.' She stared at him a little longer before sitting back down and returning to look at Caitlin. "You are very, very lucky I didn't just kill you brutally." She said with a deadly gaze before smiling mockingly.

Caitlyn nodded warily before returning to the screen. Iris gave Barry a look, "Barry will you go with me to the police station to see dad?" She asked him. "Sure." He said getting up. Hope jumped up as well, "why don't i come with you?" She asked knowing that Iris clearly wanted to get Barry
alone to talk to him.

Iris looked towards her, "no it's okay really." She told the new girl. Hope sighed, "that's fine I guess, I was feeling kinda hungry anyway guess I'll just go out for a snack instead." She flashed her veins and teeth quickly before walking towards the hallway.

Iris and Barry's eyes widened slightly before Barry sped in front of her. "No you should come!" He told her earning a smile from the Tribrid. "Okay then let's go." She replied walking past the speedster and the reporter. Iris' eyes widened and begun walking behind Hope, Barry soon joining the two leaving Caitlyn and Cisco alone.

THE GROUP ENTERED the police station and headed towards Joe's desk. "Hey guys I gotta step in my lab real quick be right back." Barry told the two before speeding off- in the normal way ofcourse. Hope and Iris reached Joe's desk briefly as he still didn't notice, causing Hope to tap the desk lightly grabbing his attention.

He looked up facing the tribrid with a troubled face as to why she'd be here, then looked even more confused upon seeing her with Iris. "Iris?" He asked receiving a nod from the daughter of his. "What's going on?" He asked. Iris let out a faint sigh, if Hope wasn't what she was she doubt she would've even heard it. "Well dad me, Barry and Hope thought we'd stop by and check on you." Iris smiled.

Hope saw right through it, "Actually what really is going on is Iris wanted to talk to Barry alone where I couldn't hear, probably about me, and I butted in and now I'm here." She smiled before turning to Iris. "Did I get it right?" She asked receiving nothing but a look of slight shock. "Relax I'm not gonna kill you or anything. If anyone should understand not trusting someone it's me. And I'm not exactly the picture of a hero or something." Hope concluded.

Iris let out a cough, "um anyway dad anything on dreamwalker?" She asked earning a confused look from Hope. Iris clearly noticed this "we name all the Meta's here and Cisco came up with dreamwalker." Hope nodded with a smile, "seems like something Cisco would come up with." The tribrid told them.

"As fun as this is I'm pretty sure I already made myself clear about being involved with this thing so I'm gonna go out for a bite if you will." She teased turning to walk away. "No!" Iris yelled. "I- I mean stayyy, go up to Barry's lab!" She suggested. Hope smiled, "mhm sure, just remember I'll still be able to here you from up there so, there's that." Then she made her way upstairs.

BARRY WAS WORKING on some files and cases in his lab when he suddenly looked up to see his recent sidekick standing over his desk. He jumped slightly, "how did you do that?" He asked. She laughed, "magic if you will.- before you ask I came up here because Iris told me to after I told her I was gonna go get a bite." She walked over to the window.

"Uh huh... well.. can I ask you something Hope?" The CSI questioned. "Shoot for it." Barry sat up in his chair, "why don't you wanna help?" He noticed Hope tensed up slightly before quickly covering it up. "Wow, I'm surprised Cisco actually didn't tell any of you." She was actually surprised he didn't tell her truth to his group of friends- seeing as how close they were."

"Tell is what?" The two heard the voice of the one and only Joe West, soon seeing him too at the doorway of the lab. "Well hello there Joe, I was just about to tell speedy here about my humanity switch. Joe was clearly confused, as well as Barry. "Where's the girl?" Hope asked. "Had to go to work" The detective told her receiving a nod.

"Well, basically whenever you become a vampire you have this switch, A humanity switch. If you switch it off you don't feel anything." She paused. Joe was mainly confused, as was Barry who along with confused had growing sympathy. "And by anything I mean anything. You mostly can't feel sadness, pain, guilt, etc, and when we went against that meta it broke through my shield and I could obviously as speedy saw, feel certain things."

Barry had concern blew across his face. "Now, if I get a certain amount of that or whatever- let's just say it's a risk and I'm not risking my humanity switch turning on. I'd rather not feel it's quite fun actually. Not being able to feel guilt, pain.... Mercy." She concluded.

Barry was slightly distraught, he thought to himself . 'Ofcouse this is why she's been so.. well her' "Hope, I get that and I honestly don't know if I wanna know what could've happened for you to switch it off but we need your help. And if I can't defeat this meta then there's not gonna be anyone to get you home." He concluded.

How stepped in, "this whole switch situation, happened when yo become a vampire right? So do yo I drink someone's blood or?" He asked Reilly interested. "Somewhat, for most people if you die with vampire blood in you then yeah but I already had it in me since birth. That's a way to long story to explain. Basically I had my aunt stop my heart so I could kill this evil monster fella and my humanity switched off after, now I'm here."

Barry knew this wasn't the whole story, her humanity wouldn't switch off just for killing a evil monster... what actually caused it? "Hope, I know something awful must've happened, maybe more than one awful thing, and I'm sorry for anything and everything you had to go through but please we really need your help. Without you... I don't know if I can stop him.

"Why? You saw what happened I went down a few seconds after you?!" She exclaimed frustrated. "Yeah exactly, a few second after me. I've seen only a drop of your power and I know you can defeat him. Maybe even buy yourself, we just need to figure it out together. Please Hope, after this we'll work on trying to send you home. I'll ask Harry, he doesn't even know about you yet." Barry mentally face palmed.

Joe watched the interaction between the two, examining her facial movements. "Please Hope?" Barry finished. Hope sighed and walked closer, "Fine, but before I do anything... please for the love of whatever God you serve can I get some food?!"

-----END OF CHAPTER-----

Word Count: 1585

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