"Hello, love."

The phrase sent a chill down her spine because she feared Klaus had followed her there. Instead, Lucien plopped down on the other side of the booth.

"You're a day drinker, too?" she asked, noting the glass of bourbon in his hand. "Nice."

"Always," he said. "Though, I'm surprised you're drinking at all. I couldn't help but overhear the other day at the station about a potential child..."

She looked right into his eyes as she took a sip of her tequila. "Nothing confirmed. And I don't think alcohol would damage a supernatural baby at all. Did you come here to criticize me?"

"Oh, heavens no," he said. "I could care less. I was observing the festival when I saw you through the window. I wanted to see how you were. To remind you that if you need anything, I am at your service."

"Forgive me, but I can't really trust that your intentions are pure considering we don't know each other and your witch is foretelling my family's doom."

"That's fair," he said with a shrug. "I don't blame you for being suspicious. You are right, we don't know each other. But I have been around for a millennia, love. And in that time I've witnessed a terrible amount of things... throughout history, husbands have abused their wives, and whenever I have been able to, I've put a stop to it. I despise it. Men and women alike not knowing how to treat their spouses. It irks me and I cannot stand seeing my old friend treating his wife in such a way. I refuse to let it happen. Which is why, I reiterate, should you need help or even a complete out... I will get you somewhere safe."

Her expression softened slightly. "I appreciate that. But I must stay where I am. For my Pack."

"I understand." He held out his hand, nodding to where several people were dancing within the bar. "Would you like to dance?"

She shook her head. "It's best we don't. Klaus has a habit of watching me while I'm at this place. He could turn up at any moment and just murder you. Honestly, us sitting here talking is dangerous enough."

"But we are simply talking. Would he really react so poorly?"

"Yes. He would. For both our sakes it's best we part ways. I appreciate you checking in."

"I'm not afraid of Nik. And if he has you feeling so nervous, I think it best I don't leave you alone."

Hesitantly, she allowed it. "Okay. Well, in that case, I want to know more about this prophecy and why you're here."

"If Nik dies, so will I. When I became aware of a threat to the Mikaelsons, I knew immediately I had to say something. For my sake and for the sake of the Originals."

"So... you intend to be fully cooperative, come what may?"

"Well, of course! I don't fancy being turned inside out. My whole reason for being here is to help Nik. He doesn't believe I am being honest. But why would I lie about such a thing?"

She hummed. "I overheard you had a cure for wolf venom and didn't fess up to it, or something. Maybe they don't trust you because you lied about a simple thing. This is much more serious."

"I did not think I had to disclose it."

"How did you even manage that, anyway? And what does your company actually do? There was an influx of poachers in the Bayou not long ago. I killed them all. And then I found out about you donating money for clean-up efforts out there."

"I intended to develop on that land, it would have been a good project. Obviously, I sensed the situation was unsafe when all my teams failed to report back. I have since abandoned that."

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