"Good answer." Marcus says grinning. He nods in approval and motions one of his familiars forward. She was the one I had been nervous about Beau fighting, but now she looks so small and fragile. "This is Gail." He says, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She nods a bow and glances at Beau. "I thought, with all the humans we've added, Beau could probably use the help training."

"Of course. You were impressive the other night." Beau says, still holding my hand. "I'm sure we'll all learn a lot from each other." He turns to kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear. "I'll take care of the boys, don't worry baby. Kick ass and be careful." He kisses my lips softly, then turns to gather his students.

"Be careful, both of you. I don't want you getting hurt." I tell Zach and Larry. I pat each on the cheek and I don't miss the way some of the God's Light members softly smile. "Show them what you're made of boys." I wink and head off with Marcus and his vampires, but hear the door open behind us.

"We're not to late, are we?" Cleo grins, removing a cap and sunglasses. "I figure, the more the merrier, right? I can't let you face him without me kid." She receives a kiss on the cheek from Anthony and saunters to my side. "You going to introduce me to your friends John?"

"Cleo, this is Marcus." I say, watching the others eye Cleo. "This is Janie, Aaron, and Brody. Everyone, this is Cleo. Yes, as in Cleopatra. She's an incredible warrior and she will definitely be an asset."

"Aw, shucks kid." Cleo blushes and squeezes my shoulders. "So, where should we begin?"

                                                                     *   *   *

"Wow. I'm pleasantly surprised." Cleo says, having sparred with Marcus. Now, she's watching Janie and I square off. Aaron and Brody fought each other and were fairly evenly matched. "Who do you think will take the win?" I hear her ask and wink at me.

"Hmm, I barely managed to hold my own against you and he says you're his mentor." Marcus grins, watching Janie cartwheel and kick toward my head. "But, he has defeated her already, remember?"

   Janie and I exchange kicks, punches, and gymnastic flips for nearly fifteen minutes. Now, she's getting frustrated and I know she's going to make a mistake. She charges toward me and I kick out my leg, tripping her and sending her off balance. She lurches forward and I clothesline her hard, tossing her onto her back.

"You absolutely cannot allow frustration or anger to dull your fighting." I say, offering her a hand and pulling her up. "You're an incredible fighter. Remember that." She nods and heads over to Marcus frowning slightly. I glance over and see Beau kick another familiar in the chest, sending him flying back about ten fee. "You think we should help out over there?"

"You go." Cleo says, giving Aaron and Brody a look. "I think these two need more serious training." She cracks her neck and I shake my head. "Besides, I know you're worried about your new young charges, Dad." She chuckles and I walk off shaking my head.

   Cleo is right though, I am worried about the boys. Familiars are looking at them warily and the God's Light members seem stand-offish. I want them to get the training they need too. They're both standing off to the side, looking uncomfortable and I wrap an arm around each ones shoulder. Zach turns to grin at me and Larry shuffles his feet.

"You boys okay?" I ask, watching them both sigh and grin at me. I clear me throat, watching Beau take off his t-shirt and wink at me. "Your other Dad is going to be in so much trouble later."

"Pffft. I'm not sure if I pity him or admire him right now." Zach says, trying hard to hold in his laughter as he wraps an arm around my waist. Beau saunters our way, a grin on his face and several people watching him. "I'd like to help with the boys. If anyone else wants to train with us, I don't mind." I grin, watching Beau pout at the boys arms around me.

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