I run back to the bedroom to put on my shoes and then I send a text to my mom that I'm coming.

I rush out of the suite and down the long hallway that oddly smells like overly scented perfume and musk all at the same time.

I get to the elevators and press the down button, shuffling my feet while I listen to the dings as the elevator ticks up the floors.

I glance to my right, and that's when I notice him.

Because I am entirely human, the first reaction is to laugh.

Up the hall in front of the door to the stairs is a guy laying on the ground. He's on his stomach, his arms folded around what looks like a jacket he's currently using as a pillow and his legs are crossed at the ankles, both of his shoes untied.

I check the time.

It's only 7:45.

It's a bit early to be that level of drunk to fall asleep in a hallway, but then again, who am I to judge?

I watch, squinting my eyes to make sure he is in fact asleep and not dead. His shoulders move slightly as he breathes and I sigh in relief.

The elevator dings and the doors open in front of me. I take a half step forward, then back, then forward again. I know I look like a Sims character who can't figure out how to move.

The right thing to do would be to check on him. That would make me a decent human being, wouldn't it?

I mean, if I was the one passed out in public all alone, I'd hope that someone would step in to try to help.

But I'm already late.

I stare at the elevator doors as they slide closed in front of me again.

"Fuck for being a good person." I whisper under my breath and pull out my phone.

I text my parents to go ahead and I'll drive my car to meet them at the restaurant later. They won't be happy about it but they'd be happier that I drive myself rather than to miss dinner all together.

Mom sends me back the ever annoyed "K" message and I stalk up the hallway, the reluctant hero.

When I get closer I realize the dude isn't even wearing pants.

He's just sprawled out, having the snooze of his life in his boxers.

I crouch down next to him and reach out to poke him with an index finger. I jerk back sharply, expecting him to jump or react but he just snores a little.

"Hey." I try the poking approach one more time with no luck again. "Bro." I shake his shoulder and I duck to barely dodge the arm he sends flying out in my direction. "Chill ninja warrior." I fall back on my butt next to him as he sits up, looking around confused.

"When the heck did we leave?" he asks, his eyebrows tightly knitted over his brown eyes.

"That is a good question." I nod at him, pushing myself back up to my feet looking down at him. "The better question would be why are you asleep in the hall?"

At this he sits up even higher, looking left and right like he's just now taking in the fact that he is actually in a hallway.

"Where's Jeb?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Your guess is probably better than mine since I don't know who that even is."

"Fuck." He drops his head into his hands and groans. But then he starts laughing...hysterically. "Bro, I'm in the hallway."

"Bro," I smile. "I know."

He looks up at me and flashes me a side ways highly drunk smile. His eyes are barely staying open but I can't deny the fact that he's pretty cute.

The Death Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now