Chapter 5 Wayne Manor 2018

Start from the beginning

Bruce Wayne adopts homeless boy. Declaring,
                " Everyone deserves a chance at a better life."

She remembered wondering when her billionaire would show up to adopt her.
This boy had been one of the lucky ones.
Most street kinds only dreamed of a life like he would be thrown into.
His name was whispered by other the kids for weeks around the street of Gotham.
He'd nearly become a celebrity to kids like her.

" So if this is Wayne Manor, and Robin clearly lives here.... Robin is Bruce Wayne's adopted son." She wracked her brain for him name, she had known it once. "Todd." She nearly said out loud "Jason Todd." Her head was still spinning trying to connect all the pieces. " If Wayne's son is Robin... Bruce Wayne might just be Batman. No that's impossible...... Is it?"

Her raging thoughts where interrupted by his soft voice.

" You're not supposed to be down here." Robins voice rang.

Noticing the intensity in which she was staring at the portrait he came to his own conclusion.

"You figure it out yet?" He asked calmly.
She turned to face the boy who was now standing far to close to her.

" Ja...Jason?" Lyla whispered out nervously.

He took her by the hand and pulled them both to one one of the sofas behind them. Lyla sat as close as she could get comfortably.
Slowly she reached for the domino mask on his face, he didn't stop her from removing it, the one the thing that kept him safe from the world. Lyla released the breath she didn't realize she was holding as his full face became clear. His soft features made is bold eyes stand out even more.

" You can't tell anyone." Jason whispered.

" I don't have anyone to tell." Lyla joked.

" I'm serious."

" I know, I'm sorry."

" I wanted to tell you, but he didn't think it was a good idea."

" Batman?" Lyla interrupted.

Jason nodded.

" Is Batman?" Lyla hesitated " Is he Bruce Wayne?"

Jason nodded again " You're good at this." He said with a chuckle.

" holy shit." Lyla whispered

" Don't let Alfred catch you use that kind of language." Jason joked.

" I don't think he's here. I snuck all the way down here with out seeing him."

" If you got down here he knows about it."

Lyla scrunched her nose with the question. Jason answered her silent question.

" Nothing happens in this house with out Alfred knowing."

Lyla took Jason's hand and meet his green eyes with her soft blue ones. Placing their hands on the place where their knees touched, she said,

" Thank you, for trusting me with this."

" Come on us street kids gotta stick together, who else is going to look out for us?" Jason said through this smile.

Lylas smile faded.

" It's you. You're the one who found me. All those years ago."

" Lyla..."  She continued rambling.

" You said that same cheesy line all the time. It was so unbelievably annoying."

" Lyla..."

" You saved me. I never would have made it with out you."

"Lyla.." he tried to interject again but Lyla was talking to fast.

"and then you saved me again now. Did you know?" She finally breathed.

" Of course I knew. Not when I found you, but when I saw you after Alfred patched you up. I never forgot your face, you where my biggest regret out there." He admitted.

" Jason, I..." but this time he cut her off.

" I promised to look out for you, you where just kid out there all alone. But when you left, I didn't look for you, I gave up, I gave up on you. And look what happened." He pleaded brushing her wrist brace softly.

" Jason, it's not your fault. You where just a kid." Lyla wiped a single tear from his face.

" That's why I wanted you to stay here. I want to teach you to defend yourself."

" Jason wait..."

" Gotham is dangerous Lyla, let me teach you to survive it, again."

" I'm not a fighter Jason, I can't do what you do."

" I don't want you to. It's too dangerous. I just don't want to see you hurt again. Please let me teach you how to take care of yourself." Jason pleaded.
Lyla took a deep breath as she thought about what he was asking.

" Umm yeah, Alright.... After I'm healed."

" Of course" Jason said, bringing their hands to his lips and planting a small kiss on the      back of hers.

Lyla was suddenly so confused about how she felt.
Until now she couldn't wait to leave, but Jason felt so safe. Suddenly she had a friend again, she'd been alone for so long, she'd wanted this so badly yet something still felt to good to be true.

A  Ghost Girl and a Zombie Boy 		           A Red Hood re-telling. Where stories live. Discover now