Chapter 2: Behind Acceptance, There Is Sacrifice

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"Daph it's alright calm down, it's normal to look like that. You haven't eaten so we had to feed you liquids that's why you look like that on top of that you've been asleep for three days." (Leonardo, said)

Leonardo spoke in a soft voice as if he was suiting a baby.

But at the words of 'three days' Soo-Ae/Daphne's worries shifted in an instant.

"Three days?" (Soo-Ae/Daphne, asked)

She quickly dropped her hands and leaned her body closer to Leonardo as her eyes widen even more.

"W-Well..." (Leonardo, said)

His light bubblegum blue eyes tried avoiding Soo-Ae/Daphne, he didn't know how to put it and he didn't know how his sister would take it.

Duke Adalwen noticed Leonardo's indecisiveness and Soo-Ae/Daphne's eyes burning holes at his son.

"Yes Daphne your brother found you drowning alone in the imperial palace lake and when he took you out you fainted and have been asleep for three days" (Duke Adwalwen, said)

He told Soo-Ae/Daphne as his brows furrowed in dissatisfaction. For a father to tell his daughter to be found barely breathing was a traumatic experience.

'If Leonardo hadn't come in time my Daphne wouldn't be alive...' (Duke Adawlen's inner thoughts)


Duke Adawlen's heartache in sadness.

Soo-Ae/Daphne turned her face to duke Adawlen's sad face.

"Alone?" (Soo-Ae/Daphe, asked)

Daphne frowned as she asked.

Duke Adawlen spoke again leaving a heartache tone to it.

"Yes, you were alone and slowly breathing when your brother pulled you out of the water." (Duke Adalwen, said)

Soo-Ae/Daphne looked down again at the pink duvet cover.

Even though this body had no memories about the crown prince, one memory sure was intact. It was the last memory  in which Daphne the original owner of this body slightly touched the crown prince's right arm while a black, red, and brown bubble appeared. It seemed she was worriedly telling him that she had to tell him something about Isabella Beaufort before being pushed by him and landing into the imperial palace lake.

The drowning image of the original Daphne asking for the crown prince's help as he walked away ignoring her as she struggled to swim with her wet heavy dress.

It made Soo-Ae/Daphne's stomach sick.

'That dam bastard!' (Soo-Ae/Daphne's inner thoughts)

She clenched both hands into a fist while grabbing some of the pink duvet covers on both hands. She greeted her teeth in rage.

'I knew he was hostile to Daphne because he hated her but that's too far how dare he push her off like that and hope she drowned....that asshole!' (Soo-Ae/Daphne's inner thoughts)

'He killed her! He fricken killed her!' (Soo-Ae/Daphne's inner thoughts)

She clenched the cover more.

'This is so infuriating, her family doesn't even know that the original Daphne is gone because of a person like him. Again, he killed her once again!' (Soo-Ae/Daphne's inner thoughts)

Her complexion was becoming darker and darker in anger.

'I always hated that crown prince, he was just a playboy who had a fiance and got with another woman. Like it or not he was Daphne's fiance he should have ended the engagement first and then gotten together with the female lead. Even this body hates the crown prince.' (Soo-Ae/Daphnes's inner thoughts)

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