♥ Introduction of the characters ♥

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♦«Sorry for not posting. My exams stared at 20 November. But mom didn't let me touch my phone so much. »♦

If you see "(?)" This that means I am not sure if the word is correct. If I make a mistake pls correct me.

A fact he has been reborn 3 times.
Family →2 "biological" big brother,
Parents ( he doesn't call them mom or dad . He calls them ma'am and sir.He doesn't hate them. ) Also 1 'emotionally ' big brother.

A fact Dream sacrificed him to make him the blood god
Parents dead. Emotional supporer Phil.
So , The brother of Tommy and Wilbur

A fact he, technoblade and Dream were friends in the past. But techno made a mistake. Eret still makes fun of techno because of this. But only when he and techno are alone.
Parents→ mom unknown. Dad Herobrine.

Age→ unknown
A fact he was manipulate to hurt dream when dream was younger.
Parents→ mom and dad both are alive {because they can't die}
1 brother . ( He does see dream as brother, some times later}

New character

Age→ Unknown.
A fact he started making a smp before dream. But some how dream made his (D) server before his brother. But Night's server had players before Dream.
Parents → alive. He stopped seeing XD as his brother the moment he heard XD hurt dream.

Age → 26
A fact when he feels lonely he kidnapps (?) Dream. Bonus fact Since his the totem of undying he can see the souls of living person. He can also visit that person's limbo.
Parents → unknown ( he saw puffy as his father until he heard that puffy helped putting Dream in the prison. In other words helping Dream with his experiment) He sees Dream as his little brother.

New character
Age→ 23
A fact he was kidnapped when he was 6 by someone who's call big T by dream .
Parents→ Killed by 'Big T'
Siblings: none

J Schlatt
Age → 26
A fact he married Dream, has a kid with him and a stable relationship with him.
Parents→ he killed them

Age→ 18( still a child, right?)
A fact he once met Dream when he was around 8. He even lived with dream for a year. But 'Big T' had to
'pick up' Dream. He sometimes have
' nightmare ' of that day.
Parents → He is a fail result of a experiment.
Siblings: Wilb- no, not anymore.

Age → 19
A fact His half black enderman and half white enderman. He can split too.
Parents: In the end
Siblings: none but he sees ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⏚
as his brother
⟟ ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⏃⋏⊬ ⟟⎅⟒⏃
⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ Tubbo.

Age 24
A fact he's a rare character because his rarely seen in this story...........i think
Parents: none ( Orphan)
Siblings: none

Age: 23
A fact he became the time god by the help of the time book. Or Dream calls it the book of memory loss.
Parents: unknown

The people he remembers
Dream, Sapnap, Miss. Death, Techno, basically the gods.

The people he forgot
Quackity, Tommy, Wilbur and some more.

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