008 ➶ Because My Calendar Is Open

Start from the beginning

"You live on Cherry, you're not out of the way for me."

"I so am." Evie chuckled and shrugged.

"Just a ride, maybe you can help me graduate." Steve held out a hand. "Fair?"

"Sure." They shook on it. "Thanks."

"Well, well, well." Carol flipped her helmet of orange hair aside and settled palms flat on the table. "Fallen from grace and now sucking up to the ice queen. I hear pretty boys can thaw her though, Steve, so you might get lucky for once. Does Mr. Bowers even speak to other students, or are you just needy enough for the list?"

"Carol. I already know the answer," Steve touched his chest, "but, do you really have nowhere better to be?"

"Looks like Fenny gets around, huh?" Tommy curled an arm around his girl's shoulder. Flashed that crooked smile. "Just going down the list now."

Normally, Evie would have spoken up. Witty comeback. But, she just glared at the ugly cafeteria tiles.

"How about you get lost?" Steve continued. Evie's hands curled into her lap. The amusement from their friends just grew louder and she couldn't stand it. Anger burned white hot and a bark stopped them all.

"Hey." Billy crossed back in. Few tables stopped to see him command. "Knock it off, let's go."


"Just leave it the fuck alone, Carol. Yeah? This shit is done to death and I'm over it. You're being really pathetic. Both of you. C'mon." Billy flared up, head cocking. "Only gonna ask you idiots once, the fucking cackling is giving me a headache. Leave her alone from now on, unless you want a problem with me. Bye."

He pointed toward the door. Not joking. A few students moved to go.

Carol and Tommy both seemed to sag and follow after them. Their friends at the table decided the fun was over and crossed out too.

Billy cast Evie one lingering stare, ignored Steve, and went the other direction. Shoved the door to go outside.

"Did...that just happen? What's up with him, seriously?" Steve turned back to Evie staring at where Billy had disappeared too. Lips parted.

"I...I don't know." She asserted. "And I don't care, I gotta...go."

"You barely ate anything."

"Filled up at breakfast, not much of an appetite." Evie forced a chuckle. "See you in class?"

"Sure..." Steve pushed his hands into his pockets. Let her go.

** ** **

Billy didn't appear again from all his smoke and stars. Never quipped about those almost heroics from the days before. But, his snapping kept Carol and her gaggle off of Evie completely.

Like magic.

More January snow fell with the weekend. Never ending frost with a perfect blanket of peace. Icicles shimmering on every house. The whole street sparkled.

Evie bundled and slung a bag over one shoulder. Figured venturing into town was better than sitting in a freezing house contemplating what to swallow next.

She tried to slow. To stop. To let things pass. This habit was eating her right back.

Evie started to pass the Hargrove house and looked up to watch the new flurries fall. Too delicate upon her cheeks. Like confetti.

She thought of the intimate way Billy had touched her lips with two fingers to brush a piece away before kissing her. Again and again.

The thought bloomed unwanted roses up her cheeks.

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now