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"Get an oxygen cylinder right now!" a staff member yelled, a beautiful idol was lying almost loosing her consciousness. She had just completed her performance in the MAMA awards an due to her heavy diet routine, her body was giving up resulting in oxygen blockage. Her blood pressure was fluctuating, everyone was panicked seeing her condition as it may result in Cardiac arrest. "Out of the view!" her manager yelled and carried her bridal style followed the staff members. The other idols were worried too seeing her condition, Jackson Wang from Got7 her closest friend or only friend she has, was worried sick. He was fidgeting with his shirt when he saw her hyper ventelating, it took him every ounce of self-control to stay still and not run towards her. But his wall got broken when he saw her manager rushing her out of the venue. 

He left his seat and ran towards backstage startling everyone and his band mates, tears brimming through his eyes. This whole time, backstage camera was filming the scene and 'blue sea' (Pearl's fandom) were already in tears seeing there idol like this. The award show was stopped due to the sudden commotion.

At the hospital-

Jackson was pacing back and forth while the doctor's were helping Pearl, by now her entire fandom was standing outside the hospital. Media were hot on there tales, inside the hospital, Jackson was stressing out and his band mates were trying to calm him down. Pearl's manger was present to trying to contact the company to inform them about it and give a detailed report. Suddenly, a nurse rushed out of the emergency room and said-"The patient had gone into a cardiac arrest! bring the defibrillator!" Jackson froze, and the next moment he completely broke down. Jaebum was hugging him trying to console the poor thing.

At the same time, Violet entertainment's CEO entered the hospital and got informed about the whole situation, he didn't care about Pearl but he saw this as a new way to gain popularity

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At the same time, Violet entertainment's CEO entered the hospital and got informed about the whole situation, he didn't care about Pearl but he saw this as a new way to gain popularity. He asked the management to perform two tasks. First one, to release an official statement about Pearl's condition and second, a new scandal-'Jackson Wang from Got7 and Pearl are dating?' The management did as they were asked and first released and official statement on there official site.

 First one, to release an official statement about Pearl's condition and second, a new scandal-'Jackson Wang from Got7 and Pearl are dating?' The management did as they were asked and first released and official statement on there official site

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@Violetentertainment -: "With a heavy heart, we are here to inform you about Pearl's condition. She had gone into Cardiac arrest and is on Ventilator, we are great-full to the fans and the support they show for our beloved artist. Any further update will be added on our official site."

"OMG! this doesn't feel real. It all feels like a nightmare, stay strong Pearl!" #takecarePearl

"I know right! She was all okay while performing and suddenly it all went wrong! Plz take care of yourself Pearl!" #takecarePearl!

"What the heck! Cardiac arrest! Please take care of your self Pearl we need you!" #takecarePearl

 "Has anyone seen the latest scandal! It seems like they are dating! Jackson was so worried he even cried while rushing to the backstage! New ship in the air!" #Pearson

 "Has anyone seen the latest scandal! It seems like they are dating! Jackson was so worried he even cried while rushing to the backstage! New ship in the air!" #Pearson

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"Are the two world wide popular idol's dating?"

In the MAMA awards, Pearl had a Cardiac arrest after her performance. All the idols and actors seem to be worried but Jackson Wang had ran towards the backstage to see her and had went all the way to hospital and had spotted crying. What is the real relation between the two idol? Are they dating? So far no official statement from both of the idol's company.

"Woah! New ship! Well, honestly, I lowkey shipped these two" #Pearson

"No! Pearl can't date him. He don't deserve her!"

"Hell to the NO! that whore doesn't deserve our cute Jackson!"

"Jackson Oppa! Don't be with that hoe!"

"Fuck the Anti's Pearl! Do what you want!" #Bluesealove

The news of the dating scandal was like a fire in the forest, it spread so soon that even JYP entertainment couldn't take it down as the news was all out to the world. Jackson didn't gave a flying fuck about it though, her mother had joined him the moment she got the news that Sol-ah had gone into a Cardiac arrest. He cried a lot while hugging her mom, his eyes were red and puffy. His bandmates were worried sick about him and his relation with Pearl, none of them had any idea about there relation or that they even ever talked. Jay B had enough of hiding around the bushes, he got up and made his way towards Jackson who was sitting on a chair while grabbing his head in his hands. "Jackson we need to talk" he said softly. the said man looked at him and nodded. 

They came into a private waiting room, all the members were present there. All of them had changed to casuals and had gone to the dorm to have a night sleep accept Jackson. "So, what was all that about?" Mark asks completely clueless. Jackson sighs heavily and sits down while massaging his temples, "Kim Sol-ah, I have known her through out my life. My one and only best friend accept you guys." he says with a sad smile. All the members looked at him wide eyes, "Why didn't you tell us that you knew her?" Bambam asked. "I had my reasons" Jackson said coldly, for the first time he had talked to the group like that. Everyone was shocked to see him this way but he just ran back. Mrs. Wang came inside, and smiled softly at the members and they returned the gesture. "I'm sorry for Jackson's behaviour, it's just that he is really protective of Sol-ah." she said while smiling softly. "Ani Eomma, why are you saying sorry." Jinyoung said. "I have a request boys, plz don't bring up anything about her. Once Jackson comes to a state where he is fine, he will tell you guys himself." she says softly and the members nodded.  

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