ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

Start from the beginning

"Girls Minho, let them be." Channie hyung rolls his eyes at Minho hyung who continues to scroll his phone.

I held onto the gift I bought for Yeoona, this name I made up short for Yeon and noona, eagerly waiting for her arrival.

"Ya, what did you get Seoyeon?" Seungmin glances down at the bag. His smile fades after getting a close look.

"You sly fox, I didn't even get a birthday card and you spoil her with this?"

"You should be grateful I said Happy Birthday." I glared at the pounding boy.

"Whatever." Seungmin walks away downhearted.

From afar, 4 girls in dresses could be spotted pulling out happy faces. I recognized Yeoona in an instant. Those brown bear ear headbands perfectly blend in with her recently dyed chocolate hair. Her flare white dress contrasts her black vans, the same ones I am wearing.

I was so stuck in my thoughts that I didn't realize how a smile started to make its way to my face. I felt how butterflies crashed into my stomach as she got closer.

She looks beautiful.

"oH mY God!! JeOnGiN is SMILING LikE an IDIOT riGhT nOw!!"

"SHUT UP HWANG HYUNJIN!" I punch his arm making him cry in pain.

"Not my fault you're soooo in love with this lady right here." He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms together. He lays his eyes on the 4 girls coming in our direction once again, I did the same.

"Innieee!" Yeoona engulfs me in a hug. My heart stopped beating for a second. She had her arms wrapped around my waist, her warmth made me heat up a little. She backs off after a good minute, not to mention how close we got within days. It's nice to befriend Yeoona though my feeling for her develops rapidly every day.

"Ew, lovebirds."

"Says the person who hasn't met his soulmate." Minho hyung rolls his eyes at Hyunjin hyung. Most of us have already met our soulmates other than Seungmin, Felix, and Hyunjin, I'm not even surprised.

"I brought 2 more friends if you don't mind." Yeoona points at the two strangers. We look over to see the 2 girls who look older than me.

"Hi, I'm Kim Raeji." The girl in black waves.

"Hi everyone, my name is Park Jiwoo." The other girl with blond hair bows. She had beautiful facial features. Unlike Raeji, she doesn't look fully Korean.

"Are you mixed?" Felix bursts out.

"Oh yes, I'm half Korean half Canadian. I take more of my mum's Canadian side though." Jiwoo smiles at Felix. I spot the two making eye contact with each other. I smirked when both of their eyes started to change color.

"Lix hyung, your eyes are green!" I blurted. Everyone turns their gaze to the two and utters shocked emotions.

Of course, they're green, elves it is. Their supernatural beauty says it all.

While everyone was busy teasing the new couple. I noticed Hyunjin's eyes not being the natural brown color it's supposed to be.

"Hyung, are your eyes pink?" I whisper to Hyunjin which made him jump a little. He turns his head widening his eyes.

They're definitely pink, fairies for sure.

"PARK CHAEYOUNG! Care to explain why your eyes are pink now?" I heard Yeonna ask abruptly. Now everyone's attention is on Chaeyoung.

"Ya everyone, Hyunjin, and Chaeyoung's eyes are pin-" my mouth was covered by Hyunjin's hand. He stares daggers at me and opens his mouth to speak.

"Chaeyoung, you have much explanation to do back at yours." Raeji cuts Hyung off and crosses her arms looking disappointed at nonna.

"Sorry unnie." Chaeyoung brought her lower lip forward. "I wanted to tell you guys later."

I glanced over at Yeoona who was watching the drama of her friends. I noticed her makeup was fully done for the first time. She looks prettier than when I first met her. I felt a pink tone creeping up my cheeks.

I walked over and tapped her shoulders. She turns around and gives me a warm smile. "Oh Innie, what's the matter?"

"Happy birthday Yeoona." I hand her the bag from my hands.

"Thank you Innie." She said with a smile.

"I hope you like what I got you."

"What did you get me?"

"Take a look."

She gives a suspicious look like I was playing a prank on her. She looks in the bag with a sweet smile on her face. I take my phone out to capture the moment. A teddy bear is taken out from the bag. Yeoona holds the frizzy brown bear in her arms.

"I love it, thanks Innie."

A lot of chitchats were going on, mostly about Yeoona's birthday and the two new couples.

"When are we going in? I'm dying to go on the rides."

"Calm down Changbin, we'll go in in a second."

"Aw come ooon, can we go now Chan?"

"Alright alright, we'll head in now."

"Let's gooo."


Unknown pov

"Sir, they're at the entrance of the amusement park."

"Good, keep track of them, make sure you confirm they're the ones."

"Yes sir."

My personal assistant left the car in a flash. I glanced at my watch, the time was ticking loudly.

"I'll see you in 3 hours..."

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