Chapter 1: Another World

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Brandon, a Night Stalkers pilot were preparing his equipments for his night patrol. He always work alone and he never need helps of someone. When checking the equipments, one of the air force staff notified him about unusual weather signal at east of air force base where he will patrol tonight. He worried a little about it but quickly ignored all because it's just some kinds of storm or fog.

Few hours after finished the equipments checking, he started his patrol with his fully armed MH-6 Little Bird at 6:30PM with no second thought but he didn't know that this would be the last patrol in this world. 25 minutes after leaving the base and starting the patrol, Brandon noticed a dense dark cloud in the east, about 15km from the base. He radioed to Command but his radio somehow couldn't reach the command center.

Brandon:This is bad now...i should come back now. Feel something not good.

But when Brandon tried to control his helicopter, the console no longer working and his helicopter keep flying ahead to the cloud. As the helicopter got inside, it start shaking a little but not so long. After got out of cloud, the Little Bird is no more in danger and Brandon can finally take back control of his helicopter but when he looks back for that mystery cloud, it already disappeared and no longer right there. He looks around to see if there is any place that he could land his helicopter.

When still looking for landing deck, Brandon suddenly startled a little because of explosion that not far from his location. Realized that those people at there need some helps, he quickly headed to that location. When arrived the location, he saw multiple rounds hitting at something. Because he can't see anything down there beside some blasts so he immediately equipped himself with NVGs (Night Vision Goggles) and now he can see clearly what's going on down there. Looking from the helicopter, he saw some people are wearing some kinds of armor with some barrels that can fires some explosive rounds and more specifically, they are female. Suddenly an idea popped into his head, he decided to change the radio frequency and trying to contact with them.

Brandon: Any stations report back. Does anyone hurts down there, over?

But the thing Brandon received back was silent and nobody respond his radio. Then he decided to lower the altitude and fly around, make sure that people are alright down there. As he got to low altitude, that weird thing point the big barrel at him. At that point, he has nothing to do beside think about his worst situation. Then he say the last word in the radio.

Brandon: Keep your head down!

After that, multiple minigun rounds and rockets fired, striking that thing and make it explodes. Then he quickly fly up to high altitude for safety himself, just in case that thing is still alive. Then someone called in the radio.

???: Who is that?!

(To be continued)

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