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"Professor, could I ask you a few questions?" She asked curiously. She was blushingly lightly as she placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Sure, sure. Go ahead. But I won't promise you'll get any answers." He said with a small nod, waiting for her to ask him whatever was on her mind. He dreaded it already. He didn't know what to expect after all. "I was wondering, what did it feel like to love someone the way you loved Lily. Could you describe the way if felt to me?" She asked innocently as she laid her head down into his lap looking up at him. He looked a little shocked at first, moving away from Hermione as he gazed at her in pure disbelief. "Excuse me?" He asked as he shook his head, crossing his arms. "You heard me." She replied. "Look, it is already bad enough being stuck with you here. You're not going to bring that up again." He said. "What are you gonna do to me if I do? Take away house points, give me detention? Or perhaps bend me over your knee and spank me." She said smirking as she looked up him. "Oh, shut it." He said, getting a little annoyed. Mostly because she was right. There was absolutely nothing he could do. She could do whatever the hell she wanted and all he could do was watch and listen. "You are not going to let it go, are you?" He then eventually asked. "I will for now but I will bring it up at a later date. Besides I have more questions for you." She said as she climbed up into his lap and straddled him. He didn't move away this time, knowing she would follow him around the room anyway. "The second one being why is it so hard for you to trust anyone?" She asked him. "What are you? A detective? What makes you so incredibly curious about my life? It's none of your business." He asked. "Because I'm curious about you and your life! I want you to know that I am someone that you can trust, you idiot! Your really daft sometimes, I hope you know that, it's utterly infuriating." She said as she looked into his eyes.

"Ah, good to know that you are still yourself. I was already starting to worry as you hadn't yelled for hours." He sarcastically replied. He knew he was difficult and that his attitude could simply be infuriating, but at the same time he didn't care much. "I'm very aware of my own stupidity, thank you." He said. "God I don't know whether to slap or kiss you!" She exclaimed as she sighed gently in an attempt to calm herself. "A little slap back into reality would be much appreciated." He said. Though he seemed to tone down the attitude a bit as Hermione gently rested her forehead against his. 'Why fight when we don't know how long we will be in this room together?' He thought as he closed his eyes, waiting for Hermione to recover from her little temper tantrum. She kissed his cheek gently as she curled herself up into his body with her head on his chest. "It's cold in here." She said softly as she placed the blankets on top of them. "You are very warm and comfortable, Professor." She said softly. Before he could even complain, she had already covered them with the blankets. It felt nice. Like one of those really comforting weighted blankets or something. "Mhmm, if you say so." He mumbled, getting comfortable with her curled up against him. A nap sounded really good all of the sudden, even though they had just woken up. "Professor, you know that you mean the world to me right?" She said softly as she looked up into his eyes. "I guess I know now." He said as he looked back up into her eyes, too comfortable to complain. It was crazy how his mood could change so dramatically in a matter of minutes. Oh well, at least he was content now. She stared into his beautiful black eyes. "Professor, can I kiss you?" She asked him softly and completely innocently. "If I say yes, will you finally shut up about it for a while?" He sleepily asked, recalling her mentioning kissing more than once or twice since they ended up in that mysterious room. "Maybe. Maybe not." She said as she looked at him. She leaned in and kissed his forehead gently. "Goodnight, Professor." She said softly as she cuddled him. He only curled up in the corner they were sitting in, holding her against him together with the blankets. "Goodnight Granger." He mumbled, already dozing off as he spoke. Night, afternoon, morning. Merlin knows what time it actually was. She closed her eyes and also fell asleep. She was comfortable with someone that she trusted. She felt safe and protected while in his arms.

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