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Hermione continued to look around the room for clues to see what they need to do in order to leave. Severus, just when he was about to give up, saw something odd. One of the bricks in the wall had come loose. Taking it out, he found a note, and a door revealed itself. Hermione opened the door and found a small bathroom. "It's so cute." She said as Severus read the letter out loud. "Congratulations, you found the first letter. While that diary was just there to break the ice, things are going to get a little more serious now. Do not worry, you two will be out soon - if you stay truthful, of course. Speaking of honesty, when was the last time you told a lie?" He said as she listened as Severus read the note. "That is easy, before I got here. When I told Ronald that I loved him more than a friend. I didn't want him to feel hurt because I am inlove with someone else." She said as she looked at him. "Well, that's just stupid isn't it? Besides, rumour has it he has been fooling around with that Lavender girl on the side." He said frowning, crossing his arms. "I should really stop visiting the Slytherin common room so much." He added. After all, that was where most rumours started. "Oh course he has. He is such a slut." She said. "The last time I lied was when headmaster Dumbledore asked me if I punished Draco already for tripping someone on a moving staircase and I told him I did. I in fact, did not punish him." He said. Just when he finished his sentence, a bang could be heard. A new clue had been revealed, but where? "If you don't punish him I will." She said as she looked around as she saw a small opening in the wall. She went over to it and saw another note. She grabbed it and handed it to Severus. "If you do end up punishing him, make it painful." He said then looked at the note. "Trust me, I will." She said.

The person who wrote it had terrible handwriting, or at least pretended he had terrible handwriting. It was almost impossible to read. But Severus had marked so many tests and essays in all his years of being a professor, he was a master at figuring out what people wrote no matter how bad their handwriting was. "How adorable, you two are really getting to know each other now. Doesn't that feel great? Speaking of greatness, what was the best moment in your entire life? Describe exactly how you felt." He said. "Nope, I'm not doing that." She said as she looked at the note then at Severus. "Alright, just wait until we run out of food and start dying of starvation. Then you'll change your mind, for sure." He said as he shrugged, sitting down in the corner after putting away the note. "I will literally die of embarrassment." She said. "Unbelievable. You don't want me to be stubborn and what are you doing now? You're just as bad." He said as she looked at him. "Fine, it was the moment that I realized that was falling inlove with you! It felt like everything all made perfect sense." She admitted as she turned bright red. He could barely contain his laughter, burying his face in his hands as he got himself together. 'She had to be kidding.' He thought as he looked at her. "Alright, let's see if it's true. The happiest I ever felt was the moment I received my Hogwarts acceptance letter because I felt that if I would go somewhere far away from home things would get better." He tried to listen for any sounds and surely enough, he heard another clue revealing itself. Another note fell right into his hands. "Sweet Merlin, you weren't joking.." He said. "I'm just gonna go die in here of embarrassment." She said as she grabbed a pillow and locked herself in the bathroom. He sighed, taking a quick look at the letter before getting up and walking to the door, leaning against the wall next to it. "Okay, it's not that bad. The note says to tell the other something no one else knows about you. You already know about the spying so let me get us even, okay?" He said. He took a deep breath, wondering why he thought this was a good idea. 'Ugh, I just have to get her out of there so we could escape soon!' He thought. "Years ago, when I was upset about a certain red haired girl, I drank until my blood contained more alcohol than all the pubs in muggle London together and apparently went to a certain tall blonde for comfort who happens to be the parent of a certain really annoying blonde kid I told you about earlier. And to make it worse I happened to wake up with him the next morning in a position that could have come straight out of a magazine like the kind you find in that shady shop in Knockturn next to that fake antique shop." He said. "You slept with Lucius Malfoy?" Hermione exclaimed as she unlocked and opened the door. "You already know the secret that no one else knows about." She said looking at him. Severus shrugged, pointing at the next clue that had revealed itself as he spoke. "The room thinks it's true." He said as there was yet another note, this one taped onto the wall. "I knew that one would get you out of there." He said. "How so?" She asked as she looked at him, curiously. "What does this note say?" She asked him. "Hmm, let's see. It says - well done, lovebirds. Take a well deserved break. The next clue will appear in an hour." He sighed, putting it away. "Lovebirds? The one who wrote it certainly has a very vivid imagination." He said.

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