"It was when my second book came out. That's when I had my first full-blown panic attack. I went to the E.R. thinking I was having a heart attack." Cleveland explained causing them both to laugh. "Learned coping methods after that."

"Wow." Conrad mumbled shaking his head at his new friend.

"Maybe you should tell your mom you know." Cleveland suggested. He was actually quite shocked that Conrad opened up to him.

"Yeah, I know. I want to. I swear." The Fisher boy sighed looking out at the water. "But every time I try, I don't know how. I mean, she doesn't want me or my brother to know. Finding out would crush her." He explained. "It would ruin everything. I feel like maybe if-if I... I just keep it inside, you know... maybe that's what keeps her alive."

"You're afraid to step on a crack. You're afraid that you'll be the one to make it real." The man concluded after listening to Conrad. "This isn't something you can control. This is happening whether you say it out loud or not. Conrad, it's not on you. Okay?"

"It's not on me." He nodded.

Conrad knew he needed to talk to his mom about it. But he wanted to talk to Violet first. He knew she'd be supportive and help him gain the confidence to speak with Susannah. He just didn't want to upset Violet with the news.


Belly was standing by the front door of the Fisher's house waiting for Taylor to arrive when Conrad came down the stairs.

The girl tried not to drool over his appearance. He was freshly out of the shower and sporting messy wet hair. Conrad had never looked better in her eyes.

"Hey, Belly." He cautiously greeted. Conrad had to remind himself that he was doing this for his mom and brother.

"Oh, hey." She smiled. Belly was honestly shocked he was speaking to her after what she did. But she wasn't complaining.

"Feeling good about the tournament?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." Belly nodded sipping on her smoothie.

"If you stay ready, you won't have to get ready." Conrad awkwardly stated. He really had no idea what he was saying but he was trying to be nice.

"That was cheesy." The Conklin girl giggled.

"Yeah." Conrad chuckled scratching the back of his neck. "You try coming up with a motivational phrase with no cheese."

"I'm thinking." Belly smiled pretending to act like she was actually thinking.


"Yeah?" The girl asked confused why Conrad looked so serious all of a sudden.

"I was um..." He trailed off not knowing how to approach the subject. "I was wondering if you had a date to the ball?"

"What?" Belly was trying to play to cool but on the inside she was freaking out. She actually thought he was about to ask her to go with him.

"Well I just know that Jere would really like to take you so I was wondering if you'd maybe consider going with him."

"Uh, I'll-I'll think about it." The girl nodded feeling her heart slightly break.

"Cool." Conrad nodded and left Belly alone once again.


Violet and Nicole arrived at the volleyball tournament ready to face the day. All morning Nicole had been super motivational. She helped the Montgomery girl plan out what she wanted to say to Conrad and she even taught her some moves for the game.

𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 - 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora