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     The prison was the same as usual, although you could tell that something was stirring in the air and it wasn't pleasant. You heard the snake princess will be visiting soon and everyone is trying to get prepared. You were part of the marines and were forced to guard those who are on level 6 and keep them in line. You've been in this prison since the last you can remember, practically raised by the guards and some of the long-term prisoners who genuinely liked you.

     You had a massive headache today and couldn't really control your emotions, a side effect of the experiments that had been done on you as a child. You couldn't remember much, probably too traumatic for your brain to handle, but you know that you're different from other marines. Ever since you were young you had been placed as the "chosen one" the "trump card" that the marines kept up their sleeve, so you had to remain hidden until it was time to be used.

     But boy did you hate it. You would constantly ask the criminals to tell you their stories and adventures that they had traveled before getting locked down here, you had bonded with them quite a bit- much to the marines' dislike but they didn't stop you since they know you're still just a child with an imagination that thrives to be filled. Sitting on the ground in-front of a certain someone's cage you listened to him go on and on about his "pops" and how great his crew was, the fish man next to him reveling in the story, keeping his eyes closed as he listened. Your smile never left your face as you made sure to take in every detail of his words and engrave them into your mind for later. 

     When lunch had come around you were forced back to your chambers to eat and spend the rest of the evening there- punishment for getting the people on level 6 too rowdy. You liked to believe that just because they might not agree with the government doesn't mean they're bad people, the fish man and cowboy didn't seem all that mean! The one thing you didn't do was ask for names, names equal attachments and you know better than that. So everyone has a nickname. 

     You huffed and fell onto your small mattress and stared at your ceiling, drawings of stories that you had been told over the years littered your walls and you couldn't help but smile at the stories you wished to someday live yourself. You felt trapped, you yourself were a prisoner- even if you were a marine.

     What made you so great? Why did you have to be locked away and raised by criminals? Why was this the safest option? Your internal monologue got cut off by knocking. Sighing you opened the door to see another solider saluting you.

"You've been requested to the gates to help prepare for the meeting of the snake princess." He stood still and eyed you as you thought about your answer. Rolling your eyes you shut the door on him and yelled back through it.

"Nope! I'm being punished so I can't leave. Prepare without me" hearing the soldier sigh on the other side of the door before his footsteps echoed away you laughed and went to go lay down back on your bed, trying to get comfy and daydream about "pops" and all the adventures they had gone on.
    Loud footsteps approach your door as you hid under the covers, knowing who was coming to get you. The same dingdong that punished you for being too friendly to the "world's most dangerous criminals". Hmpf as if. Magellan slams your door wide open and is huffing as his stomach starts to make gurgling noises. 

"(Your name) I've requested you, you know that goes over your punishment. Stop playing stupid and get out here, without you I can't keep composure" Cringing at the thought you came out from your hiding spot and pouted.

      "Why do I have to hold your hand all the time? It's annoying to fix your bathroom problem yourself" You heard the tall man sigh, you know you're being a brat but this is the most "normal" thing about your life so you're not giving it up

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      "Why do I have to hold your hand all the time? It's annoying to fix your bathroom problem yourself" You heard the tall man sigh, you know you're being a brat but this is the most "normal" thing about your life so you're not giving it up. Grabbing your arm he instantly felt relieved and started dragging you toward his office. You cursed under your breath about how you're not here to cure him of his stupid devil fruit side effects. 

     Your ability to counter devil fruits was quite simple, as a child you had been exposed to more and more sea stone until your whole skeleton had become said stone. Due to this everything about your body became a replica of the ocean itself. Your tears and sweat were salt water, your blood has the same effect, yet because you were engineered to be this way you were still able to swim. Since so much of your body was sea-stone, your touch alone will dull someone's powers, hence the hand holding. 

     Testing your haki from when you were younger, your spirit had also become one with the ocean- making your haki extremely potent when it came to devil fruit users. Although you weren't 100% sure how to use your haki, the government knew just how to torture you to make you use it. The only cool thing about this is that because your spirit has become part of the sea, you can't drown. 

     You found that out when you had escaped once and tried to drown yourself. You swam as far down as possible, letting your body go limp. Trying to escape this hell, just for the ocean to spit you right back out onto the wooden deck. Stupid ocean. 

     Then, your favorite marine walked into fart man's office, Garp! You ran up to the man and hugged him, giving him a look to please help you leave this stuffy room. He chuckled and ruffled your hair, asking Magellan if he can take you down to go meet his grandson. Although a weary look was tossed your way, a defeated nod was given as you started jumping with joy saying "thank you" over and over again as you pranced out of the office into the hallway.

 Although a weary look was tossed your way, a defeated nod was given as you started jumping with joy saying "thank you" over and over again as you pranced out of the office into the hallway

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    Garp followed behind you, taking the elevator down to the 6th floor. You frowned knowing that if they were on this floor the chance of them ever seeing the light of day again was extremely thin. You shuffled behind him, your happy mood being killed by Garp's intense aura of sadness and regret. You watched him head over to the cowboy, your eyes widened as he sat down in-front of him with a solemn look glued to his features. Knowing they needed their privacy you stood back and played with your fingers while they conversed. 

     The only thing you overheard was that cowboy was getting executed- you also learned that his name was Ace. (Not that you're gonna stop calling him a cowboy)

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