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Thursday had been a very busy day for the Order. All signs pointed towards the Death Eaters being up to something, but the Order couldn't figure out what it was. They hadn't heard anything from their guard at the Ministry and there didn't seem to be any attacks.

Dumbledore had contacted Remus in the morning, giving him and Sirius a mission. Tonks and Shacklebolt had already freed the Floo, so Remus sent Sirius off to check Hogsmeade while he Floo'd to Diagon Alley to check it out. After hearing Harry's worries, Remus did send a message to Headquarters about checking on the Ministry. He didn't have too much time to worry about that, as he set a brisk pace down Diagon Alley.

Sirius spent the afternoon checking every inch of Hogsmeade, skulking inside the Three Broomsticks to listen to the gossip there. He found gossip, just not gossip detailing an attack on Hogsmeade. He heard from a group of cloaked men that soon what they needed will be theirs.

Sirius practically vibrated while he waited for the men to finish up, hoping for more information. They didn't really give anything before they left. Once they had left, Sirius shot out of the pub and headed up to Hogwarts. He caught sight of Harry and the rest of his group sitting in front of the school instead of their usual spot by the lake.

He had no time to be wondering about his godson's habits while said godson was currently acting insane, so Sirius just grabbed his attention. He was briefly startled by Harry's worry that he had been captured by the Dark Lord, but he didn't have time for that. They needed to nip this in the bud before anything happened to Harry.

After finding out that Remus hadn't returned to Hogwarts yet, Sirius headed back out, this time making his way to Headquarters. He apparated there and burst into the house, remembering just in time to be as quiet as possible. "He's making his move," Sirius called out as he entered the kitchen where the rest of the Order was seated.

"What do you mean?" Jones asked.

"The Dark Lord is after the prophecy," Sirius said. He started pacing. "I heard these Death Eaters talking about how their master was going to get what he wanted by the end of the night."

"That's what I found out," Remus said as he entered the room behind Sirius. "What did you find when you checked in at the Ministry?"

"Mundungus is on duty tonight," Albus replied. "And he has reported seeing nothing.

"Can we really trust him? He was supposed to watch Harry in the summer and you saw what happened with that," Sirius said.

"He has learned his lesson from that," Albus replied.

"I'm worried about it, though," Remus said. "We've heard a lot of things that make me think that something is happening tonight. Even Harry was saying something about it."

"He thought that I had been captured by You Know Who," Sirius said. "I kind of think it's just the stress of everything getting to him, but he hugged me."

"I told him to stay in the castle and not to go looking for Sirius," Remus said. "I'm glad that you got back in time."

"I got back a bit late, but he's seen for himself that You Know Who doesn't have me and I told him to be careful," Sirius replied.

"Well, that might be why Draco Malfoy was asking about you," Snape said as he swept into the room. "He seemed to be convinced that something had happened to the mutt; I should have known it was Potter's influence."

"You love me, you really love me," Sirius dryly said. "So, do you know anything about this?"

"No, I've been stuck at Hogwarts longer than you have," Snape answered. "The Dark Lord is aware that something is happening at Hogwarts. It is possible that he has tried to make contact with Potter through their connection to lure him to the Department of Mysteries."

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