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Harry huddled in the corner with the other members of the rebellion, waiting for the fun to start. Nine Death Eaters showed up soon after Harry had taken the prophecy, which was why he was glad that he had waited until the last moment to touch it. He was kind of curious as to what the prophecy said, but this was going to be a lot more interesting.

"Spread out and look for him," the lead Death Eater said. Harry imagined that he was kind of disappointed that Harry wasn't in front of him. Draco shifted nervously beside Harry and Harry nodded to himself, taking it as confirmation that the lead Death Eater was Lucius Malfoy.

The Death Eaters moved out, looking, but not finding Harry and the others. Lucius seemed to be scanning the shelves. Harry snickered quietly as Lucius seemed to take a double take when he spotted what Harry had left in place of the prophecy. "Rubber duck?" Lucius said, sounding bewildered. "They've got the prophecy!" Lucius picked up the rubber duck and the fun started.

Yellow slime fell down from the ceiling thanks to the charm attached to the rubber duck as a trigger. Harry had known that someone would have picked up the rubber duck. Hermione's charm held up to the yellow slime, not letting any of it touch them, but also not revealing an empty spot on the floor for the Death Eaters to spot.

The feathers floated down from the ceiling, making the Death eaters look like chickens. There were more than a couple of snickers from the others.

Lucius growled and then did the most idiotic thing that he could do: the predictable thing. He tried to clean the goo up; unfortunately, that only made the goo turn into a day glow pink and for the feathers to also turn into flowers. That had been a difficult thing to charm, but Harry thought it looked better on the Death Eaters than it would have on Umbridge.

"What in Merlin's name?" one of the Death Eaters called out, trying to flick the slime off of his wand.

"Did you screw the proximity alarm up?" another Death Eater asked Lucius. Harry nodded to himself, glad that he had waited until the last second to pick up the prophecy.

Lucius cast a spell at the Death Eater. "My proximity alarms were cast perfectly. They got the damned prophecy, therefore the alarms went off."

Harry looked down at the prophecy orb, vaguely wondering what exactly it was. He shrugged and put it away in a pocket, deciding to figure out what it was later. He would have left it on the shelf if it hadn't have been a good way to alert the Death Eaters of their arrival as well as a good way to sew some more chaos.

"I'm covered in pink and flowers," a woman said. Neville clenched his hands as he watched the woman try to glide across the floor. It wasn't working out too well for her, but she still tried. "Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"How about not," Harry muttered in reply.

"Where are they?" McNair asked. He slid on the slime and bumped into a shelf, activating one of the spells that were set on the shelves. True to form, none of the prophecy orbs moved even a fraction of an inch. Also true to form, McNair could say nothing without sounding as though he were a mouse.

No one seemed to notice until McNair was screeching in panic. Lucius caught on quickly and warned people not to touch the shelves. Of course, several of the Death Eaters couldn't avoid touching the shelves and several animal voices rang out.

The woman Death Eater kept trying to sniff the Rebellion out, but she lost her balance. Unlike the others, she didn't try to catch hold of the shelves and simply slid to the floor. Neville muttered a quick heating charm at the woman, heating up the slime and making it harden around her. The third trick to the slime kicked in and she couldn't move, as the slime got sticky.

RebellionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora