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On Monday morning, before breakfast, Ron, Harry and Hermione went to the potions and the defense against dark arts classrooms to set up decorating spells that would be activated by a keyword.

After setting up the two spells they went to breakfast.

"Hey, Hermione, do you know of anyway we could charm a mirror to answer 'Snape' every time someone asks a question?" Harry asked.

"I think I can do it, I'll have to go to the library though," Hermione answered after finishing her bite of bacon.

"Can you charm it to answer in different voices too?" Ron asked.

"Probably, that's a good idea, we'll visit the library after classes," Hermione replied.

"Alright, but I'll have to try to kill Umbridge with my Marker of Doom," Harry said as he brandished a red marker.

"Marker of Doom? I don't think that can kill Umbridge, Harry," Hermione giggled.

"Oh well, at least I can give people chicken pox," Harry replied cheerfully.

"What's a marker? And chicken pox?" Ron asked, confused.

"A marker is like a quill and colored ink, except the ink is inside the writing tool, hence the name 'marker'," Hermione answered the first question in her usual way.

"Oh, and chicken pox?" Ron asked.

"It's a disease that muggles get, children catch it mostly, did you ever have the chicken pox, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, Dudley had a friend who caught it, so he marked his own face and arms. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon went crazy when some of the spots didn't wash off," Harry answered.

"Weird," Ron commented.

"No, itchy," Harry replied.

"What is itchy, Potter?" Umbridge asked.

Harry shrieked and ducked under the table. He stayed under the table for a minute before poking his head out.

"Sorry, I thought you were the Ba Ba Black Sheep, you sounded like him," Harry said while getting out from under the table.

He then walked away with Ron and Hermione, with out answering Umbridge's question.


While they were waiting for Snape open the door to the potions classroom Harry started singing softly under his breath.

"Well, Potter, finally gone mad, have we?" Malfoy asked as he came up.

"Ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down," Harry's voice became audible as he raised it.

Just then the door to the classroom opened.

Harry grabbed Malfoy's hands and, beginning the song again, twirled with Malfoy into the classroom. When Harry reached the word 'down' he dropped to the floor, forcing Malfoy down with him.

"Potter! What did you think you were doing?" Snape demanded as the two boys stood up.

"Meatwad make the money, see, Meatwad get the honey, see," Harry answered before sitting next to Neville.

"He is insane!" Malfoy exclaimed.

"Wanna play Uno?" Harry asked Neville.

"Err... I don't think so Harry, this is Potions," Neville replied.

"Why so it is!" Harry said the keyword which activated the spell.

The classroom morphed into the set of a game show.

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