Konohamaru slid one hand down his face. "It'll certainly be a memory alright... Udon! Get Metal out of here!" 

"Huh? Why?" 

"Because he--"

Metal stood to his feet, arms dangling limply from his sides. "I am..." 

"Oh no."

"I AM NO LONGER NERVOUS!" In one swift axe kick, the table was smashed in half. "LOOK AT ME NOW, PAPA!"

"Now now Metal," Konohamaru's palms faced towards the drunken child as the other children screamed, "calm down--"

"Calm down?" His head tilted. "You want me to calm down? I AM CALM! I'M CALMER THAN I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! THE POWER OF YOUTH!" He smashed through the wall. "THE POWER OF YOUTH!" He lifted up one half of the broken table. "THE POWER OF--"

His arms were restrained by Udon and Konohamaru, who were both struggling against him, trying to make him drop the table before he could cause any more damage to the restaurant. "Moegi! Assistance!"

She cast a concerned glance in Wasabi's direction before standing up to help the boys. "Jeez! You both are so helpless!"

"Leave the rest of the kids to me," said Hanabi as she stood to her feet, "just get Metal home before we end up spending all of our savings on repairs!" 

"On it!" The former team of three dragged Metal through the hole he had created, leaving Hanabi to return to the destroyed table and worried kids. 

"Wasabi!" Cho-Cho pointed a chubby finger in the green clothed girl's direction. 


"Your face looks funny!" She bust out laughing, holding her stomach. 

"Oh yeah?! Well you look fat!" 

The comment only made her laugh harder. "Inojin!" She cheered and pointed her finger over to him. "You have no pupils!" 

"What the--?! Chubs!" 

"Shikadai!" Her finger made it one seat over. "Your head looks like a pineapple!" 

"What a drag... Oi, Inojin, do something about Cho-Cho, will you?"

Inojin reared back, his hands digging into the floor behind him. "Me?! You're the smart one Shikadai, you do something!" 

"Inojin looks like a girl..." She started giggling, her hand reaching up to play with the ends of his ponytail. 


Meanwhile, Wasabi had stood to her feet and turned to the first person her eyes met after being insulted. "Iwabe!"




"I said!" She stomped her foot and hovered menacingly over him. "Kneel before me, you coward!" 

"Who the heck would--"

In seconds, she had Denki's neck in her grasp. "If you don't, I'll put an end to his life."


"Iwabe-kun," said Denki, clawing at his captured throat, "I can't breath..."

His eyes darted from the table, back to Wasabi, back to Denki. "Darn it Denki, you owe me for this!" He slammed his head down on the floor. "I'm kneeling, stupid cat woman! Release Denki!" 

"Fine... Both of you, kneel!"

The moment Denki was released, he was on his knees. Wasabi's foot stepped hard onto his back as she cackled, her nails turning into claws. 

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