The Only Chapter

272 13 31

Konohamaru clapped his hands. "Well then! In celebration of a chuunin on each newly graduated genin team, tonight, your teachers will treat you to barbeque!" 

"I wish it was Thunder Burger..."

"Boruto!" A sharp elbow pierced his ribs. 

He casually brushed Sarada's nitpicky self off and started towards the table. "Yeah yeah. Let's eat, Konohamaru sensei!" 

Tears ran like waterfalls from Konohamaru's eyes. "He finally," he said sniffling, "he finally called me sensei!" 

It wasn't just team seven; nearly every team from Boruto's graduating class was present, all seated at one long table in groups. Udon sat next to Metal, Moegi sat next to Cho-Cho, Hanabi sat next to Wasabi, and Konohamaru next to Sarada. Sumire was helping out Katasuke in the labs, and Sai's team was on a mission for the black ops, so neither of them were able to make it. 

"What do you say," Moegi said with a smirk, eyeing the menu. "Should we go with the extra spicy chicken for old times sake? We could include the kids in an endurance test..." 

"Oh! Good idea, Moegi nee-chan!" Boruto pumped his fist in the air. "Spicy food for everyone!" 

"Eh? I'm bad with spicy foods," whined Namida. 

"I don't mind them," replied Wasabi. "I'll eat your share so you don't have to, Namida!" 

"I'm not particularly opposed to the idea," said Tsubaki. 

"Mm." Iwabe swallowed. "Spicy. Sure. I can handle that." 

With a few more comments, Moegi waved the waitress over. "Miss! One order of ghost pepper chicken skewers for everyone! And sake for the adults!" 

"Cruel as ever, aren't you Moegi..." Konohamaru sighed. "Oh well. It'll be a memory for everyone, I guess." 

It wasn't too long before there was one fiery red chicken skewer in front of everyone, each kid staring wide-eyed at their plate. 

"Alright guys... On the count of three!" Boruto picked up his skewer. "One..." 

The rest of the kids picked it up. "Two..."

Saliva formed in all of their mouths at the anticipation of the burning flavor. "Three!" 

Everyone, with the exception of Namida, slid off the first piece of chicken with their teeth and chewed. Some didn't even make it to the chewing.


They reached for the nearest available drink. But then they realized. Waters hadn't made it to the table. 

Sarada's eyes fell on the teacher's alcohol. As did Cho-Cho's. And Wasabi's. Metal simply grabbed the nearest cup and threw his head back. 

"Hm? This drink has oddly soothed my tongue!"

And that's when the other three decided not to hold back. 

"Oi! Sarada! That's dirty! Save me some!" Boruto was fanning his mouth as he looked at her, his vision blurred with tears. But it was too late. 

All four students had just chugged an entire shot of sake. Without any previous exposure to alcohol. And the rest of the table was choking on spice. 

"Water!" Someone called out. "Water! Please! Waiter! We need water!" 

Before long, the rest of the kids had water. But Sarada, Metal, Cho-Cho, and Wasabi had already cleared the spice from their mouth. 

"Phew," said Wasabi, wiping the sweat off of her head. "I don't think I can finish this. Sorry Moegi sensei... Hm?" Her head tilted to the side. "What is this lightheaded feeling?" 

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