Lucius cast a spell at the floor and tried to make a path to the door. Harry snickered as he waited for Lucius to try it out. Lucius obliged him and started to stalk out of the room. The slime stuck to his feet and he jerked to a halt. He froze in place, which was a bad thing to do, as the slime on him started hardening. Soon the next part of the slime would kick in and knock him out.

Harry glanced around the room, looking to make sure that everyone was taken care of in the room. Most people were now stuck to the floor, or had their voices incapacitated in one way or another. The few who tried to leave by one of the doors had buckets over their heads, which would make aiming very hard.

"I think we can leave now," Harry said.

"It seems clear," Hermione replied.

"It's a shame that they all went down that easily, I was hoping to lead them into some of the other traps," Harry said, pouting a little.

"You do know that Death Eaters are deadly and it's better off that they aren't able to chase you?" Draco asked.

"I suppose so," Harry said. He stood up, dispelling Hermione's charm that was hiding them. A quick spell on their shoes took care of any problems having to do with the slime and they set off. Harry waved as they walked past Lucius Malfoy, enjoying the look behind the mask.

Harry opened up the door to the Time Room. He spotted someone standing on the ceiling halfway through the room, so he started running. The pathway through the room was normally very narrow, as the room was filled with desks, but being on the ceiling helped and they were able to run past the two on the ceiling. Harry did a quick flip when he got to the end of the room and he landed on his feet. The charms that Hermione applied to the room made sure that everyone would land perfectly if they had the correct charms to counteract the increased gravity on the ceiling. The Death Eaters wouldn't have a great landing, but the Rebellion did.

Two Death Eaters stared at the Rebellion, taking in their disguise. "What are you?" one of the Death Eaters asked.

"Don't you mean who are you?" Harry asked.

"Who are you?" the Death Eater repeated.

"Don't you mean what are you?" Ron asked.

"I asked you that in the first place," the Death Eater snapped.

"So why won't you try again?" Hermione asked.

"Because I already asked it," the Death Eater said, sounding stubborn.

"We did say that you should ask again," Neville said, getting into the banter.

"I'm not going to ask again, so who, what are you?" the Death Eater asked.

"You asked again," Luna pointed out. "You said that you wouldn't."

"Answer me," the Death Eater growled out, glaring at them through his mask.

"We're the Vodmetot," Draco answered, giving Harry an idea.

"What in Merlin's name is the Vodmetot?" the Death Eater asked, not connecting the name at all to his Master's name.

"The Vodletots are creatures bred for the protection of the Department of Mysteries," Harry said. He figured that if they expected him to be a strange creature created by the Department of Mysteries, then they wouldn't think that he was Harry Potter. It could be safer that way; despite what Draco might think, he really didn't have a suicide wish.

"Wait, I thought you were the Vodmetots," the Death Eater said, still not connecting the name to his Master.

"We are the Voldemrots," Ron said, picking up Harry's line of thought.

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