chapter nine

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HE WAS SAT AT HIS DINING TABLE reading a book with a glass of whisky in hand. he looked at his watch. 4 am. he hadn't seen lana since the barbeque, knowing he wouldn't be able to control himself if he saw her. she was irresistible, but he knew what a lousy idea sleeping with her would be. he'd never be able to look her dad in the eyes again. sighing, he put his head in his hands. she was driving him insane. the urge to see her, kiss her, hold her was unbearable.

his front door swung open, making him jump. "first of all you're fucking stupid for leaving your door unlocked, second of all what the fuck are you doing ignoring me for days, third of all can i have some water." said a very drunk lana, waving her index finger at him angrily. "you're drunk." he sighed, getting up and pouring her a glass of water.

"no." she scoffed with a frown, falling onto a chair and crossing her arms. "sweetheart what have you been doing tonight?" he said with furrowed eyebrows, handing her a glass. "just out with a few friends, that's not the point, what in the lords' name are you doing you think you can act like my boyfriend for weeks and then just never come and see me and you really think i'll be okay with that?" she asked, waving her arms around expressively and snatching the glass of water off him.

"come on darling, it's 4 am you need sleep, i'll take you home." he said, reaching out to take her arm. she slapped his hand away, giving him an angry look. "no get off, i want an explanation." she huffed. he gave her a small smile. she was cute when she was all flustered and angry like this. "okay fine, i don't want to hurt your dad, and more importantly, i don't want to hurt you." he said raising his eyebrows. "what do you mean? you were fine about it before what's changed?" she said in a strained voice, getting up and starting to pace the room.

"i don't know lana, i've come to my senses." he said, watching her pace. he couldn't take his eyes off her. she was wearing a skin-tight, low-cut dress, and her hair was tied up in one of those hair claws that were coming into fashion again. "come to your senses?" she almost yelled, an exasperated look on her face. "you look beautiful." he mumbled. "oh and NOW you want to fuck me again! i need a cigarette." she said dramatically, pulling a pack of marlboros out of her purse. "you smoke? since when?" he asked frowning. "since you started stressing me out so much that i'm pretty sure my hair's going grey and i started needing to drink gallons of wine to go to sleep." she said with a cigarette in her mouth, storming out into his garden.

he huffed, following her out to find her sitting on his garden steps. "mind giving me one?" he asked, sitting down next to her. she gave him a disgusted look before sighing and handing him one. she lit her own before passing the lighter over to him. "you shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you." he mumbled, lighting his cigarette. "shut up." she said, mid inhale making her voice strained. "i haven't seen you this angry since your dad told you that you couldn't get that huge pack of loom bands." he said with a laugh, looking at the night sky.

"yeah well right now you're my dad and sex are the loom bands." she said, frowning as she realized how stupid that sounded. he laughed loudly. "you want to stay the night?" you dad will kill you if you wake him up." he asked. she frowned at him, taking a puff of her cigarette. "fine." she said reluctantly. he smiled. they sat in silence, smoking and occasionally looking over at each other.

"right, come on then." he said, taking one last puff and putting out his cigarette on the steps. she did the same, stumbling a bit as she stood up. "oh you're so drunk." he said, standing up and holding onto her waist to stabilise her.  "look at you. so beautiful even when you've drank enough to kill an entire orphanage." he said, moving his hands up to hold her face in his hands. she strained her neck to look up at the tall man, cheeks flooding with colour as he spoke. he leant down and gave her a gentle kiss on the nose.

she sighed. "i'm tired." she said sleepily, using everything in her to keep her eyes open. "come on darling, you can sleep now." he said soothingly, lifting her up into a bridal position. she hummed quietly, shutting her eyes with her head buried into his chest. he chuckled to himself, looking down at her as he thought of 10 minutes ago when she was yelling at him and storming out of the room.

he carried her upstairs to his bed and lay her down delicately, and walking over to his wardrobe to pick out a large white knitted sweater for her. without taking her clothes off, he slipped it on her, careful not to wake her. he then gently took her dress off from under the jumper, folding it and putting it on his bedside table. humming to himself, he took off her shoes and her jewellery and fetched a damp cloth from his on suite which he then proceeded to take all her makeup off with. he took her hair out and braided it behind her back.

he stood back, looking at her with soft eyes. she was in a little ball, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol and her lips parted slightly. giving her a kiss on the forehead, he changed into his bed clothes and got in next to her, turning off the light and wrapping his arms around her. "goodnight angel." he whispered before falling into a deep sleep himself.

i think i've forgotten how to write stories

𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔, 𝘾𝙃𝙍𝙄𝙎 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉𝙎Where stories live. Discover now