Time for the world meeting !

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Author POV

Today Britain was sad he has a good reason to be day too , his brother is at war still and Britain doesn't really know if his brother will come back alive or not , thankfully today is a world meeting and it will Britain's first world meeting too as he has just turned 15 and is half the height you need to be to go to a meeting the height you need to be for a meeting is at least 5'11 , Britain is 4'4 which is why sometimes he is called 4 because of being 4'4 . But despite this Britain is still sad and not really excited to be in a room with countries he doesn't know. "UK! , finally your here now tell me German Empire and Austria-Hungary aren't dating!" exclaims France running over to his friends side and realizes who his friend brought with him "Awww UK you brought your brother , what's the reason tell me !" France now yells jumping up and down which isn't surprising as France is know as a very energetic deer hybrid who is in everybody's business. "UK has siblings ? " ask Belgium with fear in her eyes as she is sitting beside German Empire who is glaring at Russian Empire who is glaring back at him with the same look. And the meeting started and to be honest Britain wasn't surprised that everybody started to argue with eachother for different reasons " Hey, can't you guys just talk it out?" ask America in a bored tone as he once again drops he pen on the floor "Hey 4 pick up that pen for me will , ya ?" ask America who knows that he could use Britain as a way to get everybody to stop arguing. "Umm... sure" Britain answers in a quiet tone as he walks over to America bending down Infront of him to pick up the pen but while Britain is still bent over , America quickly slaps Britain's ass looking the other way. After doing that Britain face is beet red as he stands up , and once again before Britain has time to react America pulls Britain's butt to his area ( *cough* dick *cough*) letting Britain go so abruptly Britain fall on the table Infront of where he and America are "A-ahhh , Mr. America please stop!" Britain exclaims with tears in his eyes as he starts sobbing with Britain feeling like he could've stopped that from happening before it happened , now Britain's sobbing catches everybody's attention making all the countries in the room silent as they watch Britain sob still laying on the table he was dropped on. Britain day just got worse as he now doesn't like America like he did the first time he met him "I-I don't like this meeting I-I want to go back home BIG BROTHER!" Britain exclaims running to UK , running so fast UK has to catch him by picking him up like he was child which leads to him holding his sobbing brother and UK glares at America as does all the other countries in room do as well. "AMERICA!!!!!!" yells all the other countries at a scared America who regretting his life decisions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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