The start of the World War!

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Author POV

The world of 1914 a nice time to be alive right modern technology, culture , and fashion. That truly sounds like a nice time to be alive well it's even greater for Britain who has just grown his horns which means he now maturing into a adult , but 1914 is also the start of the first world war which well see through our Britain's point of view and how the poor sheep is dealing with the news of countries going to war. Britain(Bambi) POV

I was so happy that I finally grew my horns today , because I grew my horns I've been having horrible headaches but despite that me and my friends still played all day until Weimar and Reich had to leave for some reason. And now Soviet has to leave for the same reason "Sorry Brit, dad said that something really important came up but i'll see you next weekend!" Soviet said to me with a sad smile before he leaves with his dad. I feel my ears droop down as Soviet leaves "Brother, why did he have to leave?" I ask looking up at my brother who has a look of horror on his face as he hangs up the phone "Britain , you know France right?" my brother ask still looking nervous "Yes what about brother" I answer feeling a little skeptical why my brother is asking me this question "Well... France says that they need my help in war..." he trails off looking nervous. "B-brother your going to war!?" I exclaim feeling the tears in my eyes ' Why is this even happening' i think of myself before i my world goes dark...

A new soul~{Sovbrit}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang