I'm a big kid now!

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Britain(Bambi) POV

it's now been a few years and i'm 5 now ! yeah me but as I've been growing , I've been learning a lot like how UK may not be as bad as people say he is since when our parents our arguing he and Wales have been the on comforting me with UK being the one to always insert himself in the times when our parents our arguing. But now that i'm Britain and unlike maybe someone else would do I still like being myself and being what some may call too nice since right my aunt Ireland is hugging me as some kid and his friends got angry at me being too nice?. And lets just say my parents weren't too happy getting another call from my teacher about me being the victim of another fight again "I'm sorry Britain!" the kid who hit exclaims then I giggle which makes the boy confused until I give him hug and I feel myself crying out of happiness "It's okay i'm just glad were both okay!" I exclaim as we both start laughing and crying out of joy

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