Actually, I don't really like the rain in our realm either. With rain comes thunder, and thunder is loud and unpredictable.

"Yeah, we don't have weather." Eda tells us. "We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail, painbows."

"It's like a rainbow, but looking at it turns you inside out." King explains.

My eyes widen and I take a quick note to never look at the sky after it rains.

"So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight." Eda states.

"And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will." King says. "They wander the rains, feeding on boiled tourists."

"Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains and made-up demons." Eda smirks.

"Hoot. Well, hurry it up with that force field." Hooty rushes. "That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."Eda finishes the force field, making it sit snugly around the Owl House

"Wow! Someday I'd like to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady." Luz states. "Magical, sassy, surprisingly foxy for her age."

"Uh, she's also a wanted criminal, Luz." I remind her. "She thinks dead trash slugs are breathtaking. There's also that last part of her name, 'Owl Lady', what's with that?"

"Yeah, why do they call you the Owl Lady, anyway?" Luz asks.

"Cause I'm so wise." Eda replies.

"Cause she coughs up rat bones." Hooty says.

"I think it's 'cause she gets distracted by shiny objects." King adds.

"No I don't." Eda denys.

King takes out the diamond topped pen he had earlier out of his hat. He clicks a button on it, making the pink diamond start glowing.

Eda's eyes dilate, "It's sparkles and shimmers. It shines and delights. I must have it for my nest."

She pounces at the glowing diamond, but King puts it away, making her miss.

"You have a nest?!" Luz exclaims. "I want a nest. Nest party."

Eda groans, "That force field really took it out of me."

"Uh-oh, moving a little slow. Age finally catching up to you?" King questions.

Eda frowns and pulls King's hat over his eyes.

"Ahh! Darkness." He yells.

Eda walks back inside and I follow suit, wanting to get back to my book.

I sit down and open the book, but before I could get a sentence in, another book, with the title Demons, land on top of mine.

"If your going to read a book, at least read one based off of our lesson." King says.

I sigh, "Fine."

I grab his book and close mine. King sits next to me and starts coloring the demons that are in another book.

I shake my head before opening Demons and start reading.

Demons come in many shapes and forms, though most share a similarity with known mythological entities or animals in the human realm. From bugs, to biped, and even beast.

Bug: Bug-type demons possess characteristics that are commonly associated with human-world bugs such as worms, insects, arachnids, etc. and communicate naturally through dance. For a demon outside this category, dance communication is very difficult and can lead to unwanted insults.

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