Chapter 4

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 York muttered to himself as he picked up a small pebble and aimed for Gin's balcony, where he knew she'd be—unless, of course, she was inside making a drink for herself.

He aimed for her chair, as she always told him I ain't hurt by a little rock nicking me! I'm hurt when you get killed because I'm not there to help, all from the fact that you couldn't get my attention.

Letting it fly, York listened for the telltale shift and her flaming head to peek out at him with an expectant face.

You don't flatter anyone with politeness or small talk, New. It's always best just to cut the pleasantries and get to the point. If not, you could easily waste valuable time and hurt someone.

Sure, she was intense, but so was every runaway who lived on the streets. Her preferred drink of green tea spiked with alcohol of some sort didn't help matters, but it meant she had a strong tolerance for just about any beverage, from poison to rainwater. Plus, she was a strong fighter.

Pretty, too, York thought, but he shushed it. Maybe one day he'd tell Gin how he felt—today was not that day.

Sure enough, her bright red hair approached, covered by a black newsboy cap today, although York didn't know for what. Her dark blue eyes seemed to pierce him.

"Little boy blue, that you?" she called down, repeating the rhyme she gave to everyone, friend or foe. If they answered it correctly, she let them up. If not, well, you didn't want to come unwelcome.

"No, he sent me with a message he's trying to." York called up, and she smiled.

"What's the emergency, New?"

"How did you know? And will you please stop with that nickname?"

"Common knowledge, New." she replied, ignoring his second question. "Everybody who's anybody knows Nell got in some sort of trouble."

"Just you, then?" he called up. It was a risk, sure, but he was fairly sure Gin knew his feelings. In any case, she grinned.


"Rescue mission." York sighed, knowing his dream of telling her new knowledge would have to wait. "Dyse's frantic."

Gin lit up as if someone had turned on a switch inside her. Or given her a new type of alcohol. "Odysseus? He's back?"

York nodded glumly. Gin was close with York, but she was closer with Dyse. He only had eyes for Nell, thankfully, but it was still upsetting.

"Thanks!" she called, before disappearing. He knew where she was going, however, and sure enough, she soon appeared.

"Hey, York?"

"Yeah?" he questioned, turning.

Gin was glowing, excited and happy. She looked gorgeous.

"Let's go rescue our friend." 

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