Chapter 3

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 Nip hurried down a darkened alley, where he knew there would be a dead end. The building that blocked off the place was supposedly abandoned—but if you climbed the fire escape to the ninth floor, you'd find a little hide away, full of odd little trinkets and treasures. This was where Peaches dwelled.

Nip scrambled up the rusty black metal, nimble even when he wasn't trying. He cursed her for putting her room up so high, until he remembered her reason.

Nobody looks on the ninth floor. They're interested in the other floors, the nice, round floors. Nine is so out of the ordinary, they'd never think to check. They're too anxious about ten, and the numbers after it, to pay attention to nine. Which is why I do.

As always, her explanation had just made him even more confused—until now.

Panting, Nip finally reached Peaches' window, and tossed his head to throw back that annoying mop of his. He tapped on the glass, and a second later it opened to reveal Peaches' scowling face.

"What?" she hissed, hazel eyes flashing dangerously.

Nip looked at her for a second, admiring her as always, before responding.

"Nell's been locked in the mansion."

His Pea's face turned white for a second before flushing back to rosy cheeks.

"I'll get my tools." She ducked back inside for a spell, before clambering out of the window with the pocket of her hoodie stuffed to bursting with gears, watches, and other knickknacks—her tools, she said, stuff she'd slipped out of stranger's pockets or found in dirty alleys.

Nip smiled at Peaches just so he could see her flash him a cocky smirk. She truly was radiant.

"You coming, lover boy?" she asked, her tone biting as always. Yet for Nip, she softened it—just a little. Her blonde curls whipped around in the wind, chasing each other and dancing around.

"Yeah, sorry." He shook himself out of his stupor and followed her back down the ladder. 

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