Chapter 15. Tick Tock Goes the Clock

Start from the beginning

I gave him one last look before I went through the door, and down the small circling stairs. I went down them with ease, unable to sense anyone coming close to me. Stupid idiots, only leaving one pathetic man to guard their doors.

The metal spiraling staircase stopped short and forked out into a metallic catwalk. I glanced over the edge to see nothing but another under door to stairs.

I turned my back, only to have someone reach out for my neck.

Surprised, I ducked down and spun behind him away from the railin just in time. He quickly turned to face me. He had dark brown eyes, blonde hair, a beanie and a black v-neck. I lightly sniffed him. He had a tranquilizer with him. I glanced down at his pants where his halter was before he had the chance to attack.

Dalton's POV***

"Dalton!" Gavin's strangled plea for help rung across the small room. I turned to see a man pinning him down and choking him while Gavin fought for air. My older brother instinct kicked in as I ran over to the man attacking him. I grasped his neck and flung him off effortlessly. He landed on the wall, flopping down with a grunt before he went out like a light.

"Thanks," Gavin sputtered, sitting up and regaining his breaths.

I growled to myself. This place was a maze. Door lead to door, which led to small cubicles of rooms where we were ambushed.

"Treyvon!" I snapped angrily. My transmitter flickered on, signaling he'd received my message.

"What's taking so long with the cam-"

"I'm in, Carter's in a basement with a group of men, about 5. The Hunt brothers are there and all have tranq guns." He replied.

"Where's the basement?" I demanded.

"Go through the tunneling, take two rights and you'll find an elevator that leads to the bottom. Don't get it in, ride on top because they have guards inside."

"Gavin, get us to the basement," I ordered, sure Gavin had heard all Treyvon had just given us. Gavin was an excellent tracker, born with very sharp senses and strong instincts that never failed him. He nodded, grabbing his gun from the cement flooring and leading the way to the opened door from which we came.

"Alpha," My transmitter buzzed.

"What is it Ygritte?" I grunted as I ducked around the corner, following Gavin around the tunneling.

"Some of their men grabbed Heather and Pedro, I'm asking permission for Evan and I to retrieve them."

"Permission granted, but if you are outnumbered, leave them."

"L-leave them?" She sounded rather shocked for a girl who relentlessly killed when I asked.

I turned off the transmitter connecting to her squadrant. I didn't have time for stupid questions.

Carter's POV***

It's just a dream. It's just a dream. But why does it feel so real? I remember my eyes closing and my head falling back against the cool metal chair. But why was everything so real?

There was a woman here. It had to be. She wore a strange native mask that hid her chin up to the bottom of her daunting blue eyes. Patterns of blue and red zig zags traveled around the front of the mask where the chin was, and where her lips should've been was two fangs slightly farther from each other and the nose was pointed. She was wearing a white cloak, the loose angelic hood lightly covering her head. She was a strange pale and everything about her both screamed mystical yet intimidating.

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