As confident of a woman she seemed, she had her insecurities, and love was one of them. She never had someone love her, not properly, not more than a sister, or a daughter, or a friend. She never had someone worship the ground she walked on or was ready to fight every at the mere thought of her being hurt. Alora had a bad relationship with her late father, and an even worse one with her brother, the Lord of Mercia, wed to Aethelflaed of Wessex.

"I do not care what is with the two of you, but we are leaving" Uhtred said walking in. "Where are we going to, my lord?" Osferth asked. "Winchester, the King has requested our help" Uhtred said, and Osferth nodded. Alora wanted to make herself ready too, but Finan laughed. "Lassie, the King is sending us to battle of Lunden, what are you going to do" Finan said, and Alora looked at him. "I know with every battle has a camp, I can help those who do not fight, and I can help the wounded after" Alora said staring down Finan and he nodded, without her noticing, Osferth was smiling proudly at her.

The four of them had made their way to Winchester quickly, and they all waited outside for Uhtred to have finished speaking with the King, Alfred, before they'd go to Lunden which had been overrun by Danes. While they were waiting, Sihtric kept looking at Osferth, who tried to ignore the stares but was unsuccessful. "Can I help you with something, Sihtric?" Osferth finally asked as he looked at the older man. "I am just wondering how long it was going on before the Church" Sihtric asked. "When did the baby monk stop being the baby monk" he said winking, but Osferth turned away.

He wasn't the type of man to boast about anything, especially not something as intimate and private as what Sihtric was revering to. "Why? Jealous Osferth became a man before you did?" Alora asked, sitting on top of her horse as she looked at Sihtric. Sihtric's cocky smile faltered slightly. "Or is it something else?" Alora taunted. Sihtric cleared his throat and looked away from her causing Finan to laugh.

Uhtred soon came back and looked annoyed as he got back on his horse, not speaking a word to anyone. No one dared to ask what had happened as they followed after him. After a long ride in silence, which was only long because of the silence, Alora turned herself to Uhtred. "What happened in there?" she finally asked. Uhtred didn't speak for a moment before turning to her. "Your brother is a fool, and he's probably going to get us all killed" Uhtred said before he explained they'd be going to Lunden, based on a plan Aethelred thought up, which in Uhtred professional opinion were chanceless.

Uhtred ordered Alora to stay with everyone else who wouldn't fight, which included her long-time friend Thyra—wife to Beocca and sister of Uhtred—and the Princess, Aethelflaed. Alora was cross she had to stay behind, but then again, she knew she wasn't much of a fighter anyways, although she dared bet she could fight better than her brother. Her priority now seemed to be to make sure the Princess was comfortable and looked after.

"Do you think they'll win?" Thyra asked, looking at Alora who was sitting at the wooden table underneath one of the tents, while her friends were in the heart of the city, ready to fight. "Uhtred and his men might, but not my brother's army. They are fools and are probably getting us all killed by now" Alora said, unknowing how much truth her words spoke until Thyra let a pot drop.

Alora looked at her friend, before following her line of sight. A hoard of Danes came at them, on horses with axes and swords in their head. "Death is coming!" Thyra yelled picking up the pot before hitting it with a wooden spoon to wake people and alert them. Alora didn't waste time to rock the tents and find Aethelflaed. She quickly found her, and dragged her and her maid with her, Thyra soon joining them.

"Run, Aethelflaed, you are more value to them than we are" Alora said and Aethelflaed nodded as she ran towards the woods with the other ladies. Unfortunately, the women were followed by Danes, the maid was quickly killed and Alora soon lost sight of the others, before she was surrounded by a group of men who had run after her.

"And who have we here?" they laughed looking at Alora, her dress was too expensive to be a mere maid. "Is this the famous Aethelflaed we've heard so much about" one laughed as he walked closer, pointing his sword at her dress, before slicing it with the sharp point of his sword. The corset underneath still kept her as modest as it could, but Alora wasn't afraid, she knew she could survive whatever the men would throw at her, she just hoped none of her friends had been caught. The man continued with the laces on her corset until they heard yelling. Before they could fully see what was happening, the swords of Uhtred, Sihtric and Finan sliced through them.

Alora ran away, and was caught by the arms of Osferth, who looked at her ripped clothes, as he quickly covered her naked and exposed skin with his body, to make sure no one else saw her. "Are you alright my lady?" Osferth asked, looking at Alora who nodded, she was fine, nothing but ripped clothes had come to her. "Where is Thyra? and Aethelflaed?" she asked but Osferth didn't know about Aethelflaed. "Thyra is with Beocca, Lady" Osferth said, and she nodded with relief.

She stayed in Osferth's arms, even after they returned to the trashed camp which had been destroyed by the Danes. Alora couldn't find her belongings, and she didn't want to move away from Osferth, even with everything she said against him, she felt safe in his arms, and he didn't want to let go of her either, joining her on her horse after she had been dressed in some of Osferth's tunics which they found.

They had gone back to Cochram, while Aethelred was forced to go back to Winchester to inform the King his daughter had been kidnapped by the Danes. Alora had not spoken a word on their journey back home, and Osferth hadn't tried to get words out of her mouth, but he did hope she was alright.

"Thank you" Alora said when she found the comforts of her room, looking at Osferth. "Stay with me, please" she said and Osferth obeyed. He laid on the bed beside her, but when he did he started to curse himself. The feel of the curve of her plush and soft ass against his groin, had him stiffening, and he hated it. She was vulnerable right now and she didn't need his cock poking her. He tried to move away from her, but she didn't let him. "Follow my lead" Alora said as he felt her move her skirt up, and his breeches down. Osferth couldn't see what she was doing underneath the sheets, but he held her close as he felt her push his hardened cock against her folds until he slipped in, hearing her moan out felt like heaven to him.

"Just stay like this" Alora told him, and he was happy to oblige.


a little filler i suppose.

Is there any time of spicy moment you'd like to see between our sweet baby monk and alora? let me know, i am planning to make each chapter a new kink basically ;)

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