Chapter three_Close call

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Dib and Zim hung out every single day, Everyone always saw them playing or talking, Dr.Membrane was glad to see that his son finally got a friend and Gaz wouldn't admit it but she was happy to see her Big Brother talking to someone that wasn't part of their family

Zim slowly started to forget about his mission and why he was in earth in the first place, He was genuinely happy to have someone by his side.... That is until one day

Zim and Dib where hanging out in Zim's 'House', They were watching a movie until the "T.v" turned pink with the words 'Armada calling' on it

Dib looked confused and that made Zim freak out so without thinking he grabbed Did and pushed him inside room and closed the door to then answer the call

"Zim.. It has been 7 months since you arrived on earth.. Why haven't you conquered it yet?" Said Red without even saying 'Hello' Zim felt himself getting sweaty so without thinking he said

"RAIN IS MADE OUT OF... water" he instantly regretted saying that Tallest Red and Tallest Purple looked at each other confused

"Water?" Asked Purple

"Y- yes Water... Water is harmful.. Towards us irken.... And Rain is made out of water... And like- It rains here everyday... " Ofc this was a lie... Water wasn't harmful to irkens (In this Au) , Nor did it rain everyday

"Wow.. I never knew that Earth could be so harmful.. Look you can always come back to-" Red was interrupted by the smaller irken,

"NO!!... I mean... I can conquer Earth... Just give me some time... " with that Zim cut the call not allowing his leaders to speak, he then went into the room that Dib was in

"I'm.. Guessing you heard that... Look Dib-" Zim was cutted off by His best friend

"I actually didn't hear anything at all.. It was your privacy if you just shoved me in here without a word.. And must I say you are really strong" Dib said as he sweetly smiled

Zim smiled back and grabbed his arm before pulling him back towards the living room, "Let's finish that movie"

They both sat back down and finished the movie, After the movie they both decided to play some games, and since Dr. Membrane had allowed Dib to stay the night they went to Zim's room and hung in there

"Hey Zim... Where are your parents?" Asked Dib not looking up from his notebook

"What- oh, they're coming soon don't worry" soon the front door opened and footsteps where heard around the house

"Hm.. There they are" said Zim, he stood up and went downstairs to find his robo-parents in the kitchen with Gir, he then saw Dib next to him and flinched since he didn't see him walking with him

Dib saw Gir and looked rather confused to see such a strange dog

"Why is your puppy Green? And why does his skin look like... A costume? "


"Our dear Zim was a really angry and trouble making toddler... So we made Gir to help him control his emotions" Said Mrs.Vasquez smiling sweetly

"Gir is actually a robot that we made and then put a dog costume on" continued Mr.Vasquez

Dib was satisfied with the answer and he was also surprised to learn that the happy and sweet Zim he knew was a trouble maker when he was younger

Zim on the other hand was nervous... He knew his little secret wasn't going to last

Dib grabbed Zim's hand and ran back the Zim's room, Zim sat on the bed as Dib locked the door and closed the window curtains

"Zim...I found myself, An alien"

"An alien?" Zim gulped as he thought Dib knew about him, he Inhaled

"Uh-hu! I saw their UFO flying yesterday night" Said Dib happily

Zim exhaled, "Oh- well what about that?"

"Zim! 14 months ago I heard an alien and his leaders talking about conquering planet earth!... If only I can catch that stupid alien Then people will stop calling me crazy!!" Said Dib, Zim Inhaled again

"And what are you going to do with him once people believe you" asked Zim hoping he would say 'Let him go' or something

"I will trap him in my dad's lab and experiment on him!" Yelled Dib, Zim noticed how Dib's hair became messier once he said that

"Well! No! That's cruel...Nothing deserves to be tested on" Said Zim trying to sound reasonable, Dib looked at his best friend

"Oh Zim, You are so nice! You wouldn't want me hurting something as disgusting as that alien" Said Dib looking at Zim sweetly

Dib then opened the curtains and the door "I'll go get some snacks" Said Dib leaving the room

Zim wondered on what Dib said earlier 'A UFO?' Thought Zim, 'Is someone also trying to conquer earth?' Zim tried to stop the thoughts, Dib the entered the room with a tray full of snacks

"I Just saw your dog cook tacos"

"That's Gir alright" said Zim with a grin, Dib chuckled before grabbing an chocolate bar and taking a bite

Zim and Dib talked and laughed all night before they tired themselves and slept

Zim ate his food as there was a dying noise in the background that came from Gaz's console

"Who's that?" Said Zim pointing at the girl next to Gaz

"This is Gretchen" Said Gaz looking up from her game "She wouldn't leave me alone unless she sat with us for lunch" Gaz then went back to playing

Zim looked at Gretchen for a few seconds before going back to eat, After a few seconds Dib appeared with a tray of a very weird and mysterious looking food

"Who's that?" Asked Dib pointing at Gretchen

"We... Have the same class together... Honestly how do you two not know who I am? We see each other every day" exclaimed Gretchen while she looked at the two boys madly

"Sorry about that Gretty! I just don't really put much mind about people around me unless they're my friends" Zim said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment

"Look Greta. why would I want to remember you if you're one of those Ass-"

Zim stopped Dib before he could finish

"What Dib is trying to say is that you guys are plenty rude in class so he doesn't really have the concern of remembering you"

"My Name's Gretchen, Not Gretty and Not Greta"

Zim and Dib looked at each other before shrugging and started talking to each other about the night before, Gretchen would try to enter the conversation but would just be ignored or given a short answer

After a while of trying the conversation them changed to the supernatural from where she succeed to enter, The two boys found Gretty fun to hang around with

Would they call her a Friend? They would say no but she's somewhere in that categorie

Dib happily walked home with his best friend and his somewhat friend.... And his sister

He looked at a bush nearby and saw it rattling and moving

He looked back at Zim who was talking ignoring whatever that was

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