Chapter two_ First Day

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Zim was woken up at 5:30 am by Gir and His Robot Parents

"Why are you waking me up at this time?" asked Zim as he yawned

"It's your first day at school honey" Said Mr. Vazquez,

"Want Some Waffeeeels?" Said Gir in more of a command than a question as He put a plate with waffles towering over it,

"N-no Thank you"

"You have to eat breakfast son" Said Mrs. Vazquez as she put a waffle on Zim's Mouth... Zim just chewed on the waffle before talking

"Hmm Pretty good" He said before taking another one and shoving in his mouth, after eating one more waffle he stood up and disguised himself,

"Here you go son" Said the robot parents at the same time as they gave him Lunch

"thank you" Said Zim before he walked off to school

As soon as Zim got to school The Office lady Gave him a paper which said in which room he was going to be in, He walked in the classroom and was met by the teacher screaming

"DOOM- -Sigh- Welcome, Class this is Your new classmate, Introduce yourself" Said an 50 or maybe even more year old Lady, Her hair was covered in reeds, her eyes seemed to be shut closed, Her face was covered In Wrinkles...Zim Shivered and then looked at the room Full with children and started talking

"M-My name is Zim... and I really Like..." Zim looked around the room and saw a poster that said Science

"And I really like science and building stuff... My parents are scientists" A black haired Boy Raised his hands high and everyone groaned

"What Dib?" Hissed Ms.Bitters

"what kind of scientist are your parents?".....

"Umm well My father is an astronomer and my mother is a botanist" The Boy Nodded slowly, all the other kids look around Confused

// Astronomer = Scientist That studies space, Botanist = Scientist that studies Plants \\

Zim Sat down On the seat that Ms.Bitters assigned him to, He felt as if someone was watching him, He looked around until he saw the same black haired boy staring at him, He smiled at him But instead of smiling back Dib instantly looked away, Zim Slowly turned his head back to the teacher, After a while at the class the lunch bell rang, all of the kids ran to lunch except for Zim and Dib.... Well Zim was about to Leave until Dib slammed his hand On his Desk....

"So ZIM, Where are you from?" Dib hissed out Zim's name

"I come from... Uhh... Canada" Zim said

"And Why are you here?" Dib asked

"Well... My parents are trying to find somewhere else to work that'll give them a better pay check" Zim gulped and stopped breathing for a second thinking that the Human saw right through him..

"Oh.. well... My dad is the world's Most famous scientist... Maybe they can work for him, He is looking for help in his lab" Dib gave Zim a warm smile, Zim sighed and smiled back

" So do you like aliens?, Ghost? Biiiig Foot????" Dib was really interested In Zim he wanted to get to know him, He wanted some kind of friendship with him, Zim Smiled

"I love the supernatural" Zim then Stood up, Dib's Eyes glowed up

"Really?!, Umm My name is Dib, I already know your's... Wanna Sit with me and my sister at Lunch? Wanna be friends?!" Dib Spoke Fast but fast enough so that Zim could understand, Zim smiled and giggled

"I would love to be your friend Dib, And.. um I also would love sitting with you.. if I ain't much of a bother" Zim Walked Next to Dib and they both headed their way to lunch

"of course not, Come on... Also don't talk to Gaz" Dib and Zim entered the cafeteria Sat In an empty table,

"Who?" asked Zim as he took His lunch out of his bag,

"My Sister, She'll be here in a while, I'll be right back, I just have to grab lunch" Dib Stood up and walked to the lunch line, A Magenta Haired Girl walked over to Zim and grabbed him by his shirt collar,

"What Do you want?" the magenta haired girl growled,

"Um.. Hello, M-my name is Zim" Zim stuttered a bit, the girls eyes were shut closed, She wore a black dress and a necklace,

"I don't care what your name is, I want you to get out of this table" The Girl Almost yelled
"Y-yes I will leave just-"


Zim Looked over the girl's shoulder and Saw Dib looking at her angrily,

"Leave him alone, he's my friend" Dib grabbed Gaz's hand and took it away from Zim, Zim sighed and grabbed his stuff

"where are you going?" Dib grabbed Zim's hand, Zim looked at Dib and saw a sad expression

"Well, I think I caused enough trouble today" Zim continued to grab his stuff

"No- Gaz is like that to everyone...please don't leave" Dib grabbed Zim's hand again, Zim Sighed and nodded

"Fine.. I'll stay" Zim and Dib sat down, they chatted and laughed until the bell rang for class, Dib kept giving His new and only friend glances, he always wanted to meet someone who would actually believed in the supernatural, Once the bell rang as a queue that the children to leave, Zim packed his stuff in his bag, and when he was about to stand up to leave, Dib Slammed his hand on his desk,

"You really like slamming your Hand in my desk don't you?" Dib laughed at the remark Zim gave

"Yeah, well you better get used to it" Dib said, Zim smiled,

"So what do you need now? Want me to come over?" Zim Gave a smirk Dib smiled and Nodded, Zim looked At Dib he wasn't planning Dib to agree, "Fine, I'll come over" Zim rolls his eyes and then walks with Dib to his house

"So... Zim" Dib looked at Zim, Zim turned his head to Dib and hummed, Dib looked around as if he was about to tell Zim his biggest secret and didn't want anyone else to know about it

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow? I have a lot to show you" Dib eyes sparkled

"Why don't you just show me today?" Zim asked, He tilted his head as he talked

"We'll My Dad won't let me hide myself in my room if there's guest over for the first time... Even if they're in the room with me" Dib groaned and rolled his eye

"....Hehe you don't seem to have a good relationship with your dad" Zim said, he slightly smiled

"Yeah... Well he doesn't even worry about me or my sister... He only cares about his science, And he doesn't want me to do what I love the most.... He wants me to be just like him..." Zim's Smile faded

"I'm sorry that happens.... I'm sure he loves you and your sister very much" Zim tried to cheer Dib up, Thankfully he was actually able to do so. The rest of the walk was quiet but relaxing, They soon made it to Dib's house,

"I'm home... And I brought a friend..." As soon as Dib said that Dr.Membrane was in the living room

"Wow, a Friend... You've never brought a friend over.. Tell me kiddo, what's your name?" Dr.Membrane spoke quite fast as if he was excited to see that his son finally made a friend

"My name is Zim, Nice to meet you... Mr..." Zim paused

"Oh- call me Dr.Membrane, It's nice to meet you too" Dr.Membrane and Zim talked for a while, When The Doctor found out that Zim's main interested was Science he quickly grew a fond of Zim being friends with his son, Dib grabbed Zim's attention and asked him if he wanted to stay over to eat, Zim agreed...

After eating and doing homework together Zim had to go home, They said their goodbyes and Zim left

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