She opted for no words, simply wrapping her arms around his waist. He immediately hugged back, both staying silent and just enjoying each other's embrace. Then Douxie fully realized what was going on around them, and that the memories weren't his.

"How are your memories-"

"Oh, I grabbed your necklace," Angel interrupted, pulling away just enough to open her hand and reveal the white skull. "I really didn't think much, I just grabbed it. And I think it worked because it's yours, so it means a lot to me because, well, you do." She answered the question Arch was going to ask next, so he only nodded. He was likely still gathering himself after the rush of emotion that had been amplified tenfold. Angel reached out to pet him and he purred.

"I'm alright," Archie said before nuzzling against Douxie again. "But if it's ok with you both, I'm going to go to bed."

"Of course," the two said together. Douxie gave his familiar a hug, apologizing for what happened only to be told it wasn't his fault. Archie joined Flapjack in the bedroom, leaving the two wizards alone.

"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you!" Angel's old 18 year old self called as she chased a little girl, no older than two, around. "I've got you!" She said as she grabbed the kid, hanging her upsidedown and tickling her. Douxie chuckled at the scene, causing Angel to follow suit as more visions of her playing with different kids. The spell must just be showing more of her happier memories now that she was calm.

"You know," Douxie said, glancing between her and the vision of her letting kids play with her hair. "You'd be a pretty good mum." To that, Angel snorted. "What?"

"The only reason I was that good with them was because I didn't have to do it 24/7," Angel countered. "And that I pretty consistently had an hour break in the middle of the day. Even then, it was a struggle to not lose my temper."

"I'm not saying you'd be perfect." Douxie carefully grabbed the string of the necklace and placed it around her neck, fingers lingering which sent shivers down Angel's spine. "But, based on what I've heard you do with your sisters and how you cared for the kids in your daycare, I'd say you'd be a pretty great."

"Well, if I'd be a great mom, then you'd be a great dad." It was his turn to snort. "It's true."

"I'm not even a good son. I doubt I'd make a good dad."

"Doux, as far as I've heard from the snip bits you tell me, your bio father is a real dick."

"That's one way to put it," Douxie muttered.

"The only way I put it." Douxie let out a small chuckle before giving her a half smile before pulling her into a kiss. It was deep and tender, and they found they couldn't be close enough. Angel soon traded her hands position on his waist to around his neck. Eventually, they needed air and pulled away just enough to lean their foreheads together.

Embarrassingly for Angel, a certain song began playing in her memory. A side glance showed that she was watching Breaking Dawn Part 2 credits and enjoying the song. Douxie sent her a smirk that made Angel squirm for a couple reasons.

"Ok, so I had a Twilight phase," she said with a deep red blush. "Blame my mother- she loved the book series and I couldn't help but watch the movies when they came out-" Angel gave a sharp intake of breath when Douxie twirled her around and pulled her close, slipping a leg between hers.

"You were upset we couldn't go to Mrs. D's dance lesson and this- well, it's a perfect song to dance to." While he seemed to revel in the way she was breathing and blushing heavily at what he was doing (the cheeky little jerk), there was something he was trying to hide that for the life of her, she couldn't figure out what.

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