Second Floor - Battle Royale

Start from the beginning

It was my luck that my Mind stat had now been increased to F rank thanks to Fearless. Otherwise, I might not have been aware of the arrow at all and been shot right in the head. I wouldn't even have known how I died.

Right now, I knew I had to quickly deal with the sniper. In the current situation it would not be wise to stay in one place for long.

'What can I do to deal with this guy...'

I evaluated all of my option. Trying to approach him for a frontal confrontation was a no. I would be shot even before I could reach him. Although, my speed is now beyond peak human, as denoted by my stats, there was no way I was fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye, not to mention I won't be able to react fast enough to dodge arrows.

Neither could I run from here. The moment he would see any movement within the bushes he would shoot his arrows in that direction. Additionally the wheat fields didn't extend for that long. Sooner or later, I would reveal myself to him.

Thinking for a bit, I decided that a long range battle was the safest and most practical option.

Now some people may ask, 'But Perseus, you don't have any long range attack skills, how are you going to attack an archer that is more than a 100m away from you?!'

To that my friend, I say... You might just be correct, but that doesn't mean your right.

You see Spirit, allows me to harmonize the flow of power, that is shinsoo, within my body and control it. So, naturally I should be able to make the basic unit of shinsoo, a baang with it. Right?

Well, I haven't actually tried it yet, so I can't say for sure.

I closed my eyes and began to focus on the shinsoo inside of me. And then using it as a medium, I start to gather the atmospheric shinsoo into a concentrated sphere of energy.

Obviously, this isn't how most people in the tower would do it. I only follow this method because it feels natural to me. The harmonization of power provided by Spirit constellation is what made this bizarre method of creating baang possible.

When I opened my eyes, there was a perfectly uniform sphere of concentrated shinsoo floating in front of me.

I imagined it moving slightly towards the left, and to my surprise it followed it perfectly. As the sphere moved, there were slight, almost unnoticeable ripples forming on its surface.

I gazed towards the distant hill top. The archer was shooting arrows in some other direction, but I could tell that he was playing close attention to this place.

'Just to be sure, I'll create a bit more.' I thought.

And so I continued to create more baangs.


After about 3 minutes, I blankly stared at the 9 balls of clear transparent blue liquid in front of me.

I created baangs until I felt like making any more would hinder my control over them. At that point I stopped. I don't know, how many baangs a regular can make but this feels like a lot.

Not to mention that I had complete control over them.

With a thought, all 9 baangs rushed towards the archer with extreme speeds, leaving a blue trail behind them.

The archer that saw all the baangs rushing towards him panicked. Horror was written all over his face.

I watched as the first baang made contact with him, exploding his upper body into pieces. After that, all the remaining baangs hit.

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