The First Floor

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In an unknown location that looked like a dimly lit endless hall, with murals on the walls. Three figures stood in silence, in front of a giant cage which had a giant creature floating inside of it.

The three figures were that of Headon, the administrator of the first floor, Ha Yuri Jahad, a princess of Jahad and finally, Evan Edrock, a white dwarf, the guide of Yuri and her partner in crime.

They were all looking at the cage which had 'the white steel eel' 'swimming' in it. The reason they were all standing in silence was that they all had just witnessed an irregular enter the tower.

Yuri turned to Evan, "Let's go Evan! We need to get to the second floor!" she said.

But just as she was about to move a blinding light flashed behind them.

From the light emerged the figure of a young man that laid on the ground, as if unconscious.

The three figures that saw this scene were shocked.

Evan was in disbelief. After all, irregulars were not a common existence in the tower. An irregular entering the tower would mark the beginning of chaos in the tower. And now, not only one, but two irregulars had entered the tower at the same time!

On the other hand Yuri, although shocked, looked excited. Another Irregular! As to why she was excited seeing another irregular... nobody knows.

But among the three figures the one that was the most shocked was Headon. He could feel the entire tower "vibrate" as the irregular appeared. He knew that whatever the irregular would do from this point onwards is bound to make some drastic changes in the tower. A grin made it's way onto Headon's face.

As they were all looking at the young man that just appeared, his eyes slowly fluttered open. He slowly lifted himself off of the ground and looked around in wonder.

At that moment Headon walked forwards and talked to him.

"What's your name young man?"




Perseus POV~

I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was.

All I could tell was that I was laying down on the hard, cold floor. As I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light, I looked around myself. I was in some kind of hallway which had murals on each side of the wall. I lifted myself off of the ground and looked around in wonder.

I knew that this was the first floor of the tower... yeah, probably.

'Interface' I silently said in my mind.

[Name: Perseus

Constellations: -----

Personal Attributes:

Strength(G) Agility(G) Endurance(G+) Mind(G) Star Force(G+)


Root of Potential(1), Golden Rule:Law of Equivalence(1)]

I observed my interface with absolute joy.

'I can't believe I actually got reincarnated!' I said in my mind.

At that moment I heard a voice call out to me.

"What's your name young man?"

I turned to the direction in which the voice came from.

There I saw a humanoid rabbit with sharp pointy teeth, smiling creepily at me. He was wearing some 'unique' clothes and held a stick in his hand that had orb like things on each end.

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