Second Floor - Battle Royale

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Perseus POV~~

I slowly opened my eyes, carefully scanning my surroundings.

"What the?" I unconsciously said looking at the scenery around me.

I looked to be in some sort of wheat field. The terrain was rough here and there, along with that a cube like object was floating around in the air.

I stood up from the ground carefully gripping my sword.

Right now, I should be on the second floor of the tower. Now, I don't know much about the tower, or the floor itself, but I do know that normal regulars start on the second floor.

And only irregulars start on the first floor of the tower.

"Let's see then." I said as I began walking in a random direction.

Before I could walk more than 2 meters, a sudden voice sounded in my ears.

[Attention all regulars!

I welcome you all to the second floor of the tower, also known as the floor of tests, or Evankhell's floor, the first step of your journey.

On this floor it will be tested, whether you are all worthy of climbing the test or not.

The first test shall be conducted immediately.

The rules are quite simple. There are 400 regulars in the current testing area. You all need to reduce that number as much as possible within 30 minutes. The ones that will survive will be qualified to proceed to the next test.

Good Luck! START!]

I looked up at the floating cube in complete shock.

'The very first test is a f*cking battle royale?! Seriously?!'

All of a sudden a rich scent of iron was in the air. I could hear people fighting and screams in the distance.

"Sigh* Fuck my life." I said

I gripped my sword tightly as I looked around causiously. My body didn't dare relax in the slightest. After all, danger could be at any corner.

'Interface' I silently said as I began observing my stats.

[Name: Perseus

Constellations: Fearless(1/8), Spirit(1/6)

Personal Attributes:

Strength(G+)   Agility(G+)   Endurance(F-)   Mind(F)   Star Force(G+)


Root of Potential(1),   Golden Rule:Law of Equivalence(1)]

'At least my stats have increased. That makes me feel more at ease.' I thought. It seemed that all the shinsoo pressure I encountered on the first floor along with the injuries had aided in my growth, giving me a tremendous leap in strength.

Speaking of injuries, Golden Rule had already healed all of my injuries.

Honestly, such a cheat.

Shaking my head at these thoughts I focused on my surroundings. Slowly moving forward while carefully observing everything.

At that moment, I unconsciously turned my head at breakneck speed. Just then, an arrow brushed past my ear.

'A sniper!'

I quickly crouched down and hid between the wheat fields.

I silently looked towards the direction in which the arrow came from. There, on the top of a hill, I could see a middle aged man, taking aim with a bow and arrow in my general direction.

Tower of God: To the Top!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora