"No stop I'm sorry"

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🛑 Warning: Abuse in this one 🛑
(If this triggers something to you please get off this oneshots now ok please.)

Y/n's pov: I just finished my watch for the prison to make sure everyone is safe from.

Those walkers but it soon finished and I swapped with someone else.

I then end up seeing Carl walking towards me I smile and wave he does the same once he's near me he asks.

Carl: how have you been lately

Y/n's pov: really bad but I can't tell him that because I'll get bet up by my dad so I just lie and fake smile.

Y/n: good what about you Carl?

Carl: good but been pretty bored Over these few days but I'm really good.

Y/n's pov:  I see the smile he always gives me it makes my heart melt.

And makes me feel like I'm going to be safe with him no matter what I just love it.

I then look over his shoulder to see my dad was there with a mad face on my eyes widened. and I hurry up and say bye to Carl and give him a hug.

And leave right away so my punishment doesn't get worse for me because my dad hates.

Me talking to Carl cause he thinks I'll tell him.

Y/n: bye.

Carl: huh oh ok bye.

Carl's pov: I see y/n walk away with fear on her face and she's never that quick.

To just leave without having a conversation with me and then leave.

I then turn around to see her dad and once she's near him and they turn. I see him grab harshly on her forearm and have a tight grip.

I can tell because I see her face  in pain once she looks back at me and I see her mouth "help."

I then rush over to my house to get my dad I enter and tell him.

*Onto y/n*

Y/n's pov: once we get into our house my dad pushes me onto the wall hard that. I feel the air go out of my lungs.

And I take in the sir before my dad pushes hard on the back of my neck.

Y/n's dad: what did you say to him you little brat huh!?

Y/n: nothing.

Y/n's dad: lieing little bitch!

Y/n's pov: before I knew it I get hit across my face. and then I get pushed onto the ground and then.

I get kicked in my head and then he kicks my stomach and I let out a yelp in pain and I say.

Y/n: No stop I'm sorry please don't it hurts!

Y/n's dad: I don't give two fucks you made me lose everything since you got born.

Y/n's pov: it goes on and on until he saddles my waist and starts to chokes me.

And I start to see black spots and before I blacked out I hear our door crash down.

Carl's pov: we head straight for
y/n's house  and the doors locked so we brake it down.

And we see y/n's dad choking her and her. see she's struggling to berthe and keep her eyes open until they close.

And her hands start to slowly fall down onto the ground but before they do I see Daryl and my dad kick him off.

And drag him outside and I rush to y/n to see she's still alive but she's getting all bruises.

Starting to show over her body so I pick her up and rush her to the medical area.

*Three days later*

Y/n's pov: I start to open my eyes and I see. I'm in someones room I sit up but it's so painful but I get up.

After a while and look around to see I'm in Carl's room and my eyes widened and my face.

Gets all red because I also see I'm wearing one. of his shirts he wears and I now smell like him.

My face gets even more red but after I have my little fan girl cerise. I lift up my shirt to see I have bandages and bruises all over my stomach.

And I lift up the arm he grabbed and see a bruise forming. there too and then I try to call out but it hurts.

And I look to the mirror besides the bedside. table and look at my neck to see really dark purple bruises.

And I then hear the door open and I turn to see Carl with winded eyes.

Carl: your up after about three days!?

Y/n: wa- wait what three days!?

Ow fucking hell it hurts!

Carl: careful you might not be able to talk. for a bit because he did a bit of damage to your throat.

Y/n: oh ok.

Y/n's pov: it's even four days and I can finally talk again but you can still see my wounds and that.

But I get to hang with Carl and talk about us and what we like and stuff.

And we both smile then Rick comes up to us. and tells me I won't have tomorrow a out my father anymore.

Because He's in the cell and they ask me some questions. and I answered them all and they said there going to kick him out.

And that I'll have to stay in the spare room at his house and I agree.

And he lets us go and We go back to what we where doing.

I until night time so we head back and go straight to bed.

* Next couple of days*

Y/n's pov: me and Carl have gotten really close. and today he's asked me to hang out in his room at 6:00pm and I said yes.

So I've been doing my work and then once I finish I get cleaned up and change my clothes.

And once it hits 5:59pm I head to Carl's room and Knock and he says. "Come in"

I enter and sit down on his bed while he changes his shirt in his bathroom.

Once he's gets out he smiles and I do the same. and then I feel the bed sink besides me I then ask.

Y/n: so what do you wanna do?

Carl: play some games and read some things.

Y/n: sure let's get started then.

Carl: sure.

Y/n's pov: we have played about six games and read seven comic books he then asks me.

Carl: hey ummm y/n can you close your eyes so I can show you something.

Y/n: sure.

Y/n's pov: I do as he said I then feel him get closer to me and then I feel the bed sink more.

Down and when our legs are touching. he then brings his face closer to mine because I can feel his hot breathe.

On my lips and before I could think I feel his lips touch mine and I open my eyes widened.

But then start to relax and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

To me and I kiss him back and he then wraps. his arms around my waist and we stay like that for a few minutes.

Before we break apart and I hear him say.

Carl: I've been wanting to do that for ages.

Y/n: well then today's your lucky day Carl Grimes.

Carl: well if it's my lucky day Why not continue what we were doing.

Y/n: as you wish.


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