Remus Lupin

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Storyline: Remus Lupin and you were Study buddy's. Whenever he needed someone to study with he came to you. When he needed a break from the Mauraders he came to you. You were the first person that knew he was a Werewolf without him telling you. He loved you, he loved knowing that you were there to listen when he needed it.
House : Ravenclaw
Warnings : None that I know of
Word count : 868
Requested: No
A/n: Sorry If this chapter is crappy. Back when I wrote it I was in a rush.


Y/n's Pov

Lately Remus has been acting strange and I couldn't put my finger on it. He's been bailing on our study sessions, he never wants to eat dinner with me and he never seems to wanna hang out with me and I dont seem to know why. I've tried asking Sirius but he says that Remus is acting normal.

So I plan on confronting him about it but I can't do it in public cause I don't wanna embarrass him. So which is why I decided to write him a letter saying that I want him to meet me in the Astonomy tower which is where I'm at now.

I waited about 20 minutes until Remus showed up. " Hey." He smiles as he walked up to me. " That's all I get. A hey?" I say looking at him. " I don't know what else to say." He Shrugs. " Well you could start off by explaining why you've been avoiding me." I say to the boy. " I haven't been avoiding you." He says looking away.

I sighed. " Please don't lie to me. I wanna know why you don't wanna hang out with me. If it was something I did I think I deserved to know." I explained. " Alots just been happening lately that's all." He simply says. " Like what?" I asked. " Nothing you should worry about." He says looking away.

" I've been there for you since the beginning of our friendship. It's my job as someone who cares about you to worry about you. So start talking or I'll leave you lone. I don't want someone in my life that doesn't trust me." I explained to him.

He sighed and stayed quiet for a moment before he started to talk. " I like you. Sirius told me to see that if you liked me that I should start ignoring you to see how you would react." I couldn't help but laugh. " What's so funny?" He asked.

" If you wanted to know if I liked you. Just ask, you'll get a better response out me me." I say to him. " Really?" He said raising an eyebrow. I simply nodded. " Do you like me?" He asked. " Yes I do you idiot." I smiled at him causing him to blush. " So do you maybe wanna go to Hogsmead this weekend?" He smiled. " Yeah. Just don't take any more advice from Sirius." I say.

" Why not?" He Joked. " Cause than I won't go. Lets go. Dinner started." I giggled. He chuckled as we made our way to the Great Hall. " So what have you been up to besides avoiding me?" I asked. " The usual. Keeping the others out of trouble, Reading, studying." He Shrugs. " Well I guess I'll see you this weekend." I smile at him. " Okay. See you this weekend." He smiles back as I walk away.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was the day of the date and I was waiting for Remus at Three Broomsticks. I had already ordered for us so when he got here we didn't have to wait for our drinks and we could just enjoy them. After 10 minutes of waiting Remus walked in and sat down.

" Hey." I smiled at him. " You already ordered?" He questioned? I nodded. " I thought that if we already had drinks we could have more time to enjoy them and talk." I tell him. He smiled softly and took a drink. " So how was you're week." He asked.

" Pretty boring. You're the only person I can trust to actually study without talking about how hair, Makeup, or boys." I joke causing him to laugh. " Trust me, James and Sirius are the exactly the same way." He mentions. " How are they. Last time I knew Lily once again rejected James." I say taking a drink.

He nods. " They are good, Sirius has been helping James ask out Lily." He says. " Well I think she will crack soon. She hasn't stopped talking about James all week. I hope they end up together." I smiled. " Me too, plus James will finally stop talking about how he's not dating her yet." He says causing me to giggle.

Remus and I sat there for a while just talking and enjoying our drinks when we decided to go to Zokos. " Why are we here?" Remus asked looking around. " I promised Sirius I'd get him some stuff." I said looking around. " You've talked to Sirius?" He questioned. " Yeah, once he knew that we were coming here he asked me to get him some things." I smiled

For the rest of the date Remus and I had fun and were able to roam around Hogsmead.

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