Much alike what she learned as a girl. And yet so very different. Taking her hand away from her belly, she pulled herself free from her arms and stretched. All of it.... the lessons from Kush and the lessons from Goryeo. She knew that the information would not be wasted. She knew that her mistress would take it all and become the best Queen she could. That was all any nation asked for. Lifting a fur to cover her, she soon got up and left her.



Red and blue silk. Seeds of cotton, pepper and yellow beans. Incense and precious stones. Green and white jade rings and solid gold binyeo. Napjing has come and went, the delight of reading his secret letters tucked away in between the silks and beautiful clothes he'd custom-made for her. The day that the full moon would grace the night with her presence. The astronomers' prediction of the very lucky day was here. She stood still as maidservants carefully clothed her, being more than mindful of her pregnant belly. Tucking lightly here and with a gentle pin there, they hummed as they worked, making sure that the smooth red and blue silk was without crease or wrinkle.

"Are you excited to greet His Majesty, Gongju mama?"

"I told you to call me Tiye."

"We dare not, Majesty. It is not proper." The women protested with deep bows of their head. Knowing they would continue to refuse, she gave up.

"I am excited, yes."

"Today, you will be recognized as Queen Jeongseon by His Majesty, the King." The thought of it sent her heart racing. It had taken a war with the Mongols, an elopement with the future King, the execution of his oldest son, and the expulsion of the woman that had been promised to be Queen for her to finally be acknowledged as a Princess. And now, now it was so easy and simple to be promoted to Queen.

She could have chosen many emotions to dwell in. Anger. Rage. Fury. Indignation. Sadness. Irritation. She chose one. Pity. She pitied the father of the man she married so; he was so blinded, so selfish, so self-seeking, so prideful. She wondered if he knew that all of those things had caused the destruction of his family. It was his own decisions and choices that had led him to ruin.

"It brings me such happiness to see the messenger as he pulled in. All of the carriages carrying your gyomyeong, chaekmun, boin and myeongbok. We must do well to thank the King for his kindness." The senior gungyeo spoke softly yet with unwavering authority, an authority she knew came from wisdom, age and experience. She smiled as they placed the heavy crown upon her concealed hair and they all for a moment took the time to bow before her in silence. A gungyeo on each side of her helped her to turn in the direction of the royal palace. To which they all proceeded to bow in reverence and honor.

Off in the corner by the door stood Anat and she watched the ritual with curiosity. It amazed her of the beauty, aesthetic and logic behind them all. For, she too had been reading and learning just as her mistress.

"Now all that remains, is the wedding. Let us make haste and hurry to teach you all you must know, Your Majesty."


The trickle of beads and a bowed form. And again. And again. Lifting his head for the last time, eyes looked up into the face of his father, sitting in majesty on the Pheonix Throne. He looked tired. Looked so terribly aged, as if the years that followed him had not been in the least bit kind. His mother stood oft to the side, face stern.

"The spirits of the ancestors welcome you in this place, Wang Cheol-su." The voice of the Head Mudang, Byeol said quietly, and there the tingle of the bell. Throat heavy, he bowed his head towards the ancestral tablets before lifting.

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