Chapter 9

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Notes: Thank you for taking the time to read my story. This story wasn't easy to write and there were a lot of bumps on the way but I am ecstatic to say that it is finally complete.

This story means so much to me and watching everyone's comments and reactions made this story what it is. I hope you all enjoyed the ride and I hope to see you soon with some new projects.

Thank you all again so much and  I hope you continue to love and share it.

- All the love <3



Harry can't sleep, he gets up in the wee hours of the morning deciding he needs to get out of his head. He feels like the room is closing in on him. He feels his breaths are becoming more labored and hard. Harry is losing his mind.

"I gotta get out of here," Harry breathes out before running out the door.

Harry runs out onto the street and takes a long, hard breath.

"Fuck," he whispers to himself as he looks up at the dark sky wondering if stars were hiding under it.

Harry decides to walk around campus wondering if anything was open this late at night. But there was no way anything could be open. Harry was sure it was sometime around three in the morning and not a single soul was in sight.

But the more Harry walks, the more he appreciates the quietness surrounding him.

The way the fairy lights strung throughout the common area made everything look brighter. The way the buildings looked so bright and full of life. The way the trees moved with the wind. The way everything seemed to have a purpose.

And soon enough, Harry reaches the library. The place where Harry used to spend all of his first year in. The place that gave him comfort when he felt overwhelmed. The place where Harry could truly feel like he belonged. The place that Harry felt like was his home away from home.

And Harry decides to pull on the door because it surely wasn't open, not at this hour. But the door swings open revealing a tired student sitting at the desk.

"Come on in."

Harry offers a small smile as he walks inside the place he hasn't been in months. The place that used to be his comfort. The place that held memories of a lonely kid wanting to fit in.

He looks around taking in all the books ranging from poetry to Shakespeare. He inhales the smell of fresh books and wonders why did he ever stop coming here? Why did he ever stop reading? When did he stop doing the things he loved?

Harry walks around the library, running his fingers along the edge of the books like he's the quirky girl in a film. He goes through every aisle, taking in every cover, author, and book.

Oh, how he missed this place.

He makes himself comfortable in the poetry section, finding his favorite book sitting on the shelf, 'Love Is A Dog From Hell.' He used to read this book all the time and remembers even considering buying it from the library. He opens the book tracing his name still imprinted on the inside pages and smiles at the memory.

He used to be so happy. He used to be so free. He used to be so in love with this. But, now Harry was losing his mind. He felt like he was falling apart. He felt like he didn't know who he was anymore.

But, that was all a lie.

Because Harry knows exactly who he is. Harry hasn't been this in love with his life in years. Harry hasn't been this happy in centuries. Harry knows who he is. Harry knows what he wants. Harry knows what he needs in his life. And what he needs is Louis. What he wants is Louis. Who he loves is Louis Tomlinson.

One Night Is All It Takes - L.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن