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"Hey, new girl," a voice says. I look to find the same guy from earlier smirking at me. I give him a smile and walk back over to refill his beer.

"The name's Scarlett," I tell him with a playful glare as I place his drink back down in front of him.

"Noah Taylor."

I nod and say, "I take it you're from around here?" Noah gives me a smirk and shrugs his shoulders.

"I like to call it home these days."

I see him look over my shoulder. I glance back and see Carson glaring at him again. If looks could kill. I turn back to face Noah with my eyebrow raised. He leans towards me putting his elbows up on the bar.

"So how about you and me meet up when you're off later, sweetheart. I'd love to show you 'round town, or at the very least give you a nice welcome." 

Noah slowly drags his tongue across his lower lip before pulling that same lip between his teeth in a way that I'm sure causes a lot of women to lose their minds and morals. That pet name, though. Ugh.  I lean over and mimic his current pose.

"As tempting as that is, honey bunches, I'm afraid I'll have to pass," I whisper with a small pout. His eyes were focused on my lips as I spoke.

He shrugs and takes a sip of his beer.

"That's alright. You'll come around soon enough," Noah winks at me and picks up his drink before sauntering away.

"I doubt that, Sugar-Lumps. But thanks for the offer," I call out to him as he walks off lazily to join another group of leather clad men sitting at a table near the dart boards where Becca currently seems to be trying to work her womanly magic. I drop my fake smile the second Noah turns around to face his friends. I roll my eyes and move to the other side of the bar where Ray is serving a group of people who just came in.

Ray and I laugh and joke as the night begins to finally die down a little. It's almost time for him to leave, so Carson makes his way behind the bar with me to help close down the tabs and he has Ray go and start pulling stock from the back to fill in the bottles that were drained from tonight's sales.

When Ray finally leaves for the night it's like the rest of the patrons in the bar decided to start closing their tabs and making their way home. The song "Closing Time" plays over the loudspeakers in the bar to announce that it's time for them to leave. Looking at the people who were left at this point, it is clear to me that they are mainly locals, and they were mostly already working on getting ready to call it a night. It warms my heart to see that they are that respectful to Carson and his crew.

By the time we locked the doors the only people remaining were me, Becca, Carson, and an older man who had passed out in his booth earlier in the night. Carson motions for me to not wake him while we go about wiping down tables while Becca was put on the task of cleaning the floors. I stayed on top of washing the mugs and glasses during the night so there wasn't much left to do in that area so we were done before half an hour passed.

Becca has been bugging Carson about getting a drink to finish off the night with some fun. He said multiple times he wouldn't drink since he has to drive me home tonight, so she sent a glare my way. It was supposed to scare me, but it was really more funny to me than anything. I smile innocently in response and top it off with batting my lashes at her. When she finishes her tasks she grabs her stuff and finally leaves the bar allowing the door to slam. I snort at her mini tantrum and work on putting mugs and shot glasses back on their trays below the bar for tomorrow.

"We make a pretty good team, huh?" I look over at Carson as he works at the register with a small grin on his face.

"We do."

I go back to the break room and grab my stuff. When I return to the bar I see Carson is sitting back in his stool and he has two lowball glasses in front of him. He pours himself a whiskey and looks back at me with an eyebrow raised. I shrug and join him at the stool next to him and set my stuff down on the bar top.

"Old Benny over there has a cab coming for him to take him home. I'd take him, but his place is creepy as hell. I figured while we waited we could have a quick drink," He tells me with a hint of a smile in his deep voice.

I let out a snort before saying, "So much for not wanting to drink before you drive me home, you heathen." 

Carson shrugs. I playfully roll my eyes and reach over the counter to grab a bottle of vodka. "Fine, I'll have a drink, but not whiskey. That stuff makes me mean," I tell him. 

He chuckles and sits back in his stool as he watches me pour my drink.

"Just promise you won't tell Becca you had a drink with me. I just started and I don't want any drama if I can help it," I warn him.

Carson chuckles in response and shrugs, earning a smack on his arm from me. "I'm serious! I have a short temper and virtually zero patience when pushed, it's for her protection, not mine," I say pointing at his face. He laughs again and lifts his free hand in mock surrender.

"I don't know. I think you could take her on easily," He says as he refills his glass, "And I won't lie, that's something I would pay to see."

 This time I laugh in response. It was nice to have him joking with me. He doesn't seem to do that with many people.

We sit in silence for a moment before I decide to break it again, "So what's your deal with that Noah guy?" I hear him grunt in response as he takes another sip.

"He's my brother," He grumbles. I sit back with my eyebrows practically disappearing into my hairline, staring at him for a moment. I snap out of my shock and narrow my eyes at his face, picturing Noah as I study Carson. The longer I stare the more similarities I can see. Carson has been through more than Noah, that much is obvious. The grey hairs, the darker circles under his eyes. Carson is a man carrying baggage and responsibilities, and Noah looks far more carefree.

"Why were you sending him death glares all night?"

Carson looks up at me briefly before he runs a large hand down his face as he sighs before saying, "He's just never taken his life seriously. He was running with a motorcycle crew out in Oklahoma for a few years. We have one right here but he wanted to be a fool and try to patch with the other guys, even knowing the bad blood between the two. He had some bad luck with some shady deals he made behind their backs while he was trying to prove himself as a prospect. He came home with his tail tucked between his legs for him to just decide to patch over with the crew we have here. He doesn't think before he acts. He doesn't care who he hurts or offends as long as he gets what he wants. He thinks there will be no consequences to his actions, when in reality it comes down on everyone else that's trying to protect him."

I watch Carson for a moment. Other than telling me about my job, this was the most I've ever heard him speak. It all exploded out of him in one rush, so I wonder how much he actually intended to say.

"You're the older brother then?"

He looks up at me and gives me a tight lipped smile, "Yeah, He's 25 I'm 35." Figured as much. I hum in response. Secretly happy that my guesses for their age range were accurate. I reach over and pour him another glass and then do the same with mine, deciding to change the subject.

"You know you never did do my hiring paperwork," I say as I set the bottle down. He gives me a sheepish grin and shrugs.

"I may or may not have taken care of that while you were passed out on the couch, Scarlett Neveah Davis," he says my full name with a teasing grin.

I throw my head back and laugh. I slap his arm again and scold him, "You went through my purse? You creep! What if I had incriminating evidence from a mass murder I committed in there? You just put your prints all over it!" I joke but I am actually very relieved I left my gear at the house.

I think.

He chuckles at that and shakes his head, "Well then I guess we're partners in crime then, aren't we?"

"Well, if we're caught I'm throwing you under the bus. I'm too delicate for prison. I think you'll fit in though," I chuckle and continue, "And if we're partners in crime, then you can just call me Letty. Only acquaintances call me Scarlett," I say with a grin.

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